The Surprise

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There is no surprise more magical than the Surprise of being loved - Charles Morgan

Wattpadian's my sisters with pen, this  one's for you,  I had already given up on this story but then you've pushed me to update even if it's crappy. Love u loads. 💖💖💖💖💖

Hassie here goes your surprise!!!

I really wasn't up for the so called girls night out to celebrate my birthday, but i couldn't do anything as their took over and started getting ready. i sat their with a sad face as they plucked and prodded trying to get get me ready.

Why are we doing this again? i rhetorically asked.

No one answered me and so i continued, you girls know we should be studying right now, right? i asked again.

Silence still and so i resigned my self to fate and silently sat there as they did their thing.

Sitting there, i began to wonder why i was the only one getting all decked up and i couldn't help but ask.

come to think of it, why am i the only one getting ready?

Duh! who among us is the birthday girl? Rumaisa asked while rolling her eyes.

30 minutes later, they were done. They spinned me around and i came face to face with a very beautiful lady staring right back at me through the mirror. She was so different from myself and i couldn't help but appreciate how put together I looked. i just couldn't help but wish He would show up and then the night would be just perfect but alas, if wishes were horses, beggars will ride.

i turned around with a grin, thanks guys i look so different

good different I hope? asked Jane with a chuckled

Definitely good different. I replied.

You just made this the most amazing birthday in a very long time, I said with a wide smile twirling around.

Wait until you see what we have planned for you, they gave each other conspiratorial looks which i just assumed was them being their usual mischievous selves.

Group hug, Aisha asked?

They all circled me and gave me bone crushing hugs. I love you guys.

to the moon and back they all replied at the same time and we all chuckled.

now lets get outta here before the water works starts, i can't let all my hard work go to waste. Rumaisa said.

chop! chop!! get a move on, we don't have all day. Faida Said.

Stepping out of the hostel while laughing at something witty Pearl had said, I didn't notice the car parked in front of the hostel nor the guy holding a placard that read "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BEST FRIEND, MY CONFIDANTE , THE LOVE OF MY LIFE"  to his chest standing by the  drivers door of the car. I was gentle spun around by my friends and I came face to face with the greatest surprise of the night.

I gasped with one hand going to my mouth and the other to my chest. I couldn't believe it, I just Couldn't believe it. He hadn't forgotten, I whispered to no one in particular. I was standing looking at the man I loved whom i thought had forgotten a special day holding that placard, but all i could see was see and all that really mattered to me was the came, he hadn't forgotten and he was here right now.

I hadn't realized i had said it out loud, until i heard him say.

I wouldn't miss it for the world, sorry i made you feel uncared for, i wanted it make it special and i had the help from them, he pointed at my friends standing some few feet away from me.

You all knew about this?

They grinned in reply.

Would you be my date tonight?

I nodded with a large smile like a cat that got the cream.

Girls, our job here is done said Faida.

Ladies thank you so much for making this happen.

You are most welcome, but don't you dare hurt her of else......they chorused.

Scouts promise, He replied with a smile.

Aisha turned to me, if you so much as dare those tears and spoil my hard work, kin San sauran she said jokingly.

Shall we? He asked opening the door for me.
I smile and replied, 
You bet

There you go.  This was really hard aswear.  Please vote and comment.

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