Chapter 28

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Andie POV

This show is so good!

There's 5 minutes left.

I'm still leaning on Sean as we watch the show.

He's warm and comforting.

I know that's cheesy but he is.

The show is nearly to a end and I can't wait to dance after this.

You know when you watch a movie or performance about dancing, singing or something ,you feel really inspired and you just really want to do those things!

That's how I feel.

The show had just ended and I am amazed!

The lights in the theatre flicker on and everyone starts heading out.

I push off Sean's chest lightly and stand up.

I start to walk to the exit but Sean pulls me back.

"Where are you going?" Sean asks.

"Um to the exit?" I say questionably.

"No, we're going to talk to the performers...." he says and pulls out VIP passes.

"WHAT? Sean really? Why- your amazing" I say and hug him.

I quickly pull back and leave my hands on his shoulders.

"Let's go" I nod and say in excitement.

Sean chuckles and we both walk to the stage.

"What are you going to ask them?" Sean asks.

"Um I don't know, what do you think?" I ask.

"Well you could mention something about stage fright and how to unsure your technique is flawless" Sean suggests.

"Yeah, good idea" I say and we walk around the curtain.

The performers are sitting around in little groups resting and catching their breath.

Some have water bottles with them.

"Hey Sean, Andie" jake waves and walks over to us.

"Hey guys, these are the teens I was telling ya about!" Jake says.

Some of the people lift up their heads and give us glances.

Soon after that about 4 people stand and walk over to us.

"Hey, so jake here told us that you guys have a talent show to win" a guy says.

Sean elbows me a little.

"Um yeah, I was wondering if I could ask some questions about performing....i have never done it before...." I ask.

"Sure, sit down guys " the guy says and points to a black stage block surfaced with carpet.

I jump up on it and sit next to Sean.

"So what will you like to know?" The guy asks.


-------time lapse to after VIP time------

"Well thanks for the advice and your time with us guys" I say smiling.

"No prob Andie just whatever happens don't give up" jake says with a smile.

"Thanks" I say again and we start to walk out the exit.

"Who's taking us home?" I ask Sean as we walk outside.

"Oh yeah.....wait a second" Sean says and pulls out his phone.

"Hello? Hey yeah jake can you give us a ride home?" He asks jake on the phone.

"Oh okay it's alright bye" he says and hangs up the phone.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Jake can't take us home, he has another performance in an hour and he doesn't want to risk it" Sean says .

"Oh " is all I say.

We stand in silence for a while.

"Wanna walk?" He asks me.

"Isn't it like 20 minutes away?" I say.

"Yeah but we can still walk" he says.

"Okay" I agree.

We start walking and we talk about many things.

"So are you worried about the talent show?" Sean asks me.

"I'm not worried about performing, I'm just worried about what people will think about me" I say looking at Sean.

We are about 5 minutes away from my house now.

"Don't be worried, there will only be good things said, but there may be some haters too....aka, Rachael and her gang but don't worry about them either" Sean says to me.

"Okay thanks Sean, thanks for everything, the show, the gifts and for not giving up on me " I say and smile.

"It's alright Andie" he smiles.

After that we arrive at our houses.

"Okay bye Sean" I wave as I walk inside my house.

He walks back to his house too.

This was a great day.

A/N-Hey awesome people!!!!

Sorry four the wait, I've been sick lately...

But I hope you liked this chapter!!!


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