Chapter 1

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Raine's POV

I had dressed up early to go to work, usually I don't have much to do at work but I do it to escape my parents.

It had been three weeks since the death of my supposed husband and they've not stopped talking down my brain about it.

Mostly about the debt he put the company in, which is solely their fault, but as selfish as they are, they'd never admit it, it's always Raine'e fault.

I had been married for four years, we didn't have any kids, courtesy of my husband.
He didn't want any.

Our marriage was an arranged one and it was hell on earth, I'd never wish my experience with him on any woman at all.

I got to work on time, I was putting on a beige colored fitted pants and a white blazer, my hair was let down, I hardly ever use any make up because I didn't really see the use of it.

I entered the huge building of Richard enterprise and the whole place was busy, busier than usual.
Things were being moved and people were going up and down, making me wonder when I gave any sort of order.

I walked towards the receptionist area and saw Layla sitting there and also very packed with phone calls and work

I gestured to her, that I needed to talk to her and she ended the call and greeted.

"Good morning ma'am" she greeted and I just nodded.

"Morning, Layla, what's going on? Why is everyone so busy this morning"? I asked obviously confused and she sighed.

"You haven't heard ma'am"? She asked and I just shook my head at her "Someone just bought the place and he has given a whole lot of new orders" she explained to me, making me more confused.

Someone just bought the place? I'm supposed to be the boss, I mean technically it belongs to my parents, so who could have possibly bought or sold this place without having to go through me first?

She noticed the confusion on my face and spoke up "The new CEO Is upstairs, he said to let you know that he needs to see you if you arrive"

I just nod and head for the elevator, my office was at the top floor and I know that's where whoever bought this place will be waiting for me.

Throughout the elevator ride, I kept trying to understand why my parents would sell this place off without telling me, or maybe it was just a misunderstanding, whatever it was, I was about to find out.

I got to my floor and stepped out of the elevator, I walked straight for my office, stopping by my PA's table but she wasn't there.

I just passed by and opened the double doors of my office, I stopped in my tracks when I saw a man standing with his back to me and he had his hands in his pants pocket.

My office had a huge glass window in front that lets you see the outline of New York City, that was what the man was looking at.

He was putting on a black suit and from his back and shoulders I could tell he worked out a lot, his chest will look a lot more firm.

He had brown hair a shade darker than usual, he hadn't said anything and neither had I, but I know he knew I was standing there.

"Excuse me, may I help you"? I asked walking further into the office, my heels clicking on the floor.

He turned to look me and I froze, I wasn't prepared for what I saw, he still looks the same, only more handsome, his jawline perfectly made, his face was smooth but on a closer look you could see a tiny stubble on it.

His hazel eyes piercing through my soul, he had a smirk on his face, like he was expecting my current reaction.

My mouth opened but only a whisper came out, I wasn't expecting to see him, not now, not after four years.

"Jace" was all I could whisper, I didn't think he heard me or maybe he did but didn't want to say anything.

"Welcome Mrs Richard, or should I say Smith" his voice resounded in the office making me shudder, he sounded more mature and intimidating.

His words were dripping with mockery and sarcasm, he knows of my husband's demise but he just wants to rub salt on my wound.

I clenched my jaw before responding "it's Mrs Smith" I told him through gritted teeth and I watched his eyes darken for a bit before he composed himself.

"Well, have a seat, we have a lot to discuss" he said gesturing to the chair in front of my table, while he sat on my chair.

I just walked towards the chair and sat down, I took in his facial features and he hadn't really changed much, he just grew more handsome and he looked intimidating now.

"As you know, this building has been sold to me by Mr Richard, a deal we closed off yesterday, so technically I'm the new boss around here and you work for me" he stated with a smirk but I just kept my expression neutral.

"Now personally, the whole business is in a shambles and whole lot of debt, it's a sinking ship, so I plan on turning it into something else, which means Mrs Smith, that a whole lot of employees are gonna be let go, if not all" he says matter of fact, intertwining his fingers in front of him.

My eyes widen at the realization of what he just said.
"You can't do that, that's unfair" i voiced out, looking at him and he shrugged

"I don't play fair Mrs Smith, you of all people should know that" he said with a smirk

"Where do you want them to start from? There are over 200 employees here, and they all depend on this job, you have to reconsider" I say my voice coming out low but he just shakes his head.

"My money's at stake too Mrs Smith, so I'd rather not risk my money over a bunch of strangers I don't even know" he said nonchalantly.

He gets up "so I'll suggest you pass the information now before it's too late" he says walking towards the door when I stand up too.

"Jace please, you can't do this" I voice out and he stops abruptly, turning to face me, his jaw clenched and his eyes full of fury.

"It's Mr Sinclair to you, and yes I can and I will" he said through gritted teeth.

"What do you want"? I whisper out And he just laughs a very sadistic laughter, making me shiver

"You can't possibly have anything to offer me Mrs Smith, what I want, you can't give me" he said before turning around and walking out not sparing me a glance.

I fell back on my chair with a sigh, this is so not good, how am I supposed to tell over a hundred employees that they're going to be jobless within the week?

He really has changed but not for the better.
His eyes no longer look happy or sad, they're just devilish and they scare me.

He's no longer the Jace I once knew

First chapter 😁😁😁

Hope you like it tho
The word count is small but the story gets longer as we keep going.

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