Chapter 22

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Jace's POV

I try as much as possible to be myself around Raine and not show her how much I was hurting but it was hard

I know how much pain she's going through and it breaks my heart that I can't do anything about it
Her surgery is in three days.

Since a month ago that I found out, I haven't left her side, I practically live in the hospital with her but I don't mind.

She looked more pale and sick these days, making me more scared and worried, I have hope the surgery will be a success, deep down I just feel it.

I'm lying down with her in my arms, she's playing with the buttons on my shirt, while I'm gently stroking her hair.

I love her so much and the thought of losing her puts me in a frenzy, I can't even think about it without my heart beating wildly.

I had been working from the hospital, all important meetings were being attended to by Ryan.

I can tell he's affected too by Raine's condition but he's just being the bigger person and taking all the responsibilities.

I remember how much Mel cried when I told her Raine had cancer, for days she wouldn't stop crying, it took a whole lot for her to stop but I can still see the worry in her eyes whenever she comes.

"Jace" I heard her whisper out

"Yes baby"

"Would you do anything for me if I asked you to"? She ask making me look at her

"Yes baby, I'd do anything for you, just ask" I tell her and she raises her head to look at me

"You promise" she presses and I nod with a smile

"I promise Raine" and she sighs still looking at me.

"Will you make love to me"? She asks making me freeze and look at her

"Yes baby I will, once we're out of here I'll make love to you as much as you want" I say and she shakes her head

"No Jace, I mean right now" she whispers making my eyes go wide.

"Raine, you know I can't do that, baby you're in pains, I'm not that heartless" I tell her

"But you promised" she pouts with her cute eyes, I just cup her face in my hands

"Baby, I love you and I'm ready to wait until you're out of here, I don't wanna hurt you" I tell her and I see the tears already glistening her eyes

"You're rejecting me Jace" she says with her voice trembling

"No baby, I'd never do that and you know it, I just can't bring myself to touch you knowing how much pains I'd be causing you" I explain to her but she's not having it

"Do you love me"? She asks making me smile at her

"Of course baby I love you so much" I say kissing her nose

"Then make love to me" she says


"Shhhh" she cuts me off putting her hands on my mouth before leaning in to kiss me, the kiss is slow at first but then it becomes hot and urgent with my hands already roaming her body.

She quickly takes off her hospital gown and is already naked, with only her panties on her.

Her skins is so smooth and flawless, I start kissing her while I'm hovering over her.

She gasps out as I suck on her nipples and massages her breasts

Her back is arched and her hands fumble with my pants before she takes it off, and then she undo my buttons and take off my shirt.

My hands rubs her through her panties and she's wet already, I take them off quickly as I'm kissing her hungrily.

She strokes my already hard dick making me groan into the kiss, she positions my dick in front of her pussy and I look at her

"Are you sure baby"? I ask and she nods with her lips slightly parted, in one swift move, I thrust inside of her making her gasps out and arch her back.

I look at her face for any sign of discomfort but I don't find any
"I'm okay Jace, you can move" she whispers out and I start thrusting into her slowly.

I'm careful not to do anything that'll hurt her, so I take her lips in a kiss, while I fondle with her nipples, she moans into the kiss.

I'm thrusting into her slowly and she clenches around my dick, she starts grinding and matching me halfways.

The sounds she's making is enough to drive any man crazy.
I let my fingers down on my pussy as I slowly rub on her clit making her moan loud.

Her eyes are shut tight as her fingers dig deep into my skin making me hiss, I feel her clench around me and her juice warm itself down my shaft making me groan and with one final thrust I come undone inside her, both of us panting hard.

I pull out of her slowly "are you okay"? I ask looking at her and she just nods with a lazy smile.

I get up and clean up in the bathroom, I come out with a wet towel and clean her up too.

I get on the bed beside her, after putting on my boxer briefs and I pull her close to my chest.

She's not asleep yet, so we both just lay there in silence, she starts tracing my tattoo with her fingers.

"Did it hurt"? She blurts out and I look at her to find her looking at my tattoo intently

"No baby" I breath out

"What does it mean"? She asks me making me remember the day I got the tattoo.

It was three weeks after she left, I was heartbroken and lonely, so after drinking and crying myself to sleep at home, I decided to try something new.

So I went to this tattoo shop I had been passing by whenever I went to work, and when I got there the first thing that came to my mind was the fact that my heart was bleeding, so I needed something to depict my feelings at that moment.

So I told the artist that I wanted a dragon, and I wanted it's head to be directly to my heart like it was about to breath out fire and burn my heart because that was exactly how I felt.

I felt like she had burnt and squeezed my heart out after she left.

But now looking at it, I no longer felt that way, so it's safe to say the tattoo no longer mean anything to me.

I looked at her "It doesn't mean anything baby" I breath out and she just looks at me with surprise.

"So you just got a tattoo to look cool"? She asked raising her brows and I chuckled

"No baby, when I got it, it meant something but now it doesn't mean anything" I tell her and she thinks for a while before laying back down.

"Rest baby, you need it" I tell her kissing the crown of her head and she just hums


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