Chapter 18

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Jace's POV

I had been planning to tell her about I felt ever since I took her to the art room, she was surprised seeing the place, and it made me smile.

The painting of her was covered with a cloak because I didn't want her to see it until it was finished.

And when she talked about me cheating I felt fucking guilty, she was right
I had fucked another woman right in front of her.

God I had been so stupid but I was ready to change and become better for her, I know she hadn't said she loved me back but I would wait just like I waited the first time for her.

We were lying down on my bed in my room, this would be the first time she'd be stepping into my room and I could see the surprise and admiration on her face.

After our make out session, she left to go change out her work clothes while I bathed and we both ate dinner together.

I invited her into my room because I just wanted to spend time with her again, I had missed four years of her life and she had missed four years of mine, so we were making up for lost times

She was telling me something but I wasn't really paying attention, my eyes were just studying her face and I was lost in her eyes.

I just bend down and kissed her, I made to pull away but she held me back and the kiss became hot and passionate.

Her lips still tasted the same and I couldn't get enough of it, I was hovering over her by now as my hands were roaming her body.

I squeezed her waist making her gasps before my hands found their way into her top as I cupped her breast in my hands, she moaned lightly and I let go of her lips and found her sweet spot.

I started nibbing and sucking on it, I took off her top and she wasn't putting on a bra so I was looking directly at her breasts, they still fucking mesmerized me.

I had been fantasizing about them ever since that day I had seen it when I asked her to strip, and now they were right in front of me.

I took one of her nipples in my mouth while my fingers played with the other, she was gasping and moaning at the same time with her eyes shut

I kissed her chest and her stomach letting my tongue linger on her belly button before I licked her abdomen making her suck in a breath.

I hooked my hands on her pajamas pants and when she didn't protest, I took it off leaving her in just her panties.

I started kissing her thighs, she tried to close her legs but I help them open, I looked up to find her already starring at me.

I didn't know if she was ready to go that far with me but I rubbed my fingers on her pussy through her panties and she shuddered making me smirk.

I could feel her wetness from the cotton material, it was a barrier to me so I took it off leaving her completely naked.

I bent low on her pussy and let my breath fan her opening, she squirmed when I cupped her sex making me look at her

"If you don't feel comfortable doing this, let me know and I'll stop" I mutter but she doesn't react letting me know she was okay with me going ahead.

I slowly licked her wet folds making her jerk her hips back but I held her in place as I kept licking her slowly

She moaned out and grabbed my hair
"You taste so good baby" I mutter on her pussy

I keep licking and sucking on her pussy, as my hands found her breasts and fondled with her nipple.

She was shaking and trembling, with short gasps and moans, I teased her clit with my teeth and I felt her tense up, as I kept on sucking and latching my tongue on her pussy.

I eased my tongue inside her pussy and start tongue fucking her making her moan out very loudly, she's trying to get away but I hold her in place

My tongue keeps torturing her pussy when I feel her starts grinding on my tongue, her hands gripping my hair and she riding my face.

I feel her tense and with a heavy shake and loud moan of my name she cums dripping on my tongue as I lick her off completely before standing up.

I hover over her as she's panting and trying to recover from the orgasm, I smirk at her and she blushes before I kiss her lips and her forehead.

I lay down beside her as I pull her close to me, now's the best time to have a talk with her about what the doctor said, there was still that to deal with.

"Raine" I called out and she hummed at me
"Can I ask you some questions" I ask making her look at me before she nodded.

"While you were married to Chris, was there ever a time you got pregnant"? I ask and I felt her tense up beside me, I look at her face and I see the sadness in her eyes.

She just nods at me and breath out, she adjusted herself and faced me
My ears perked up because I knew she wanted to tell me a story


It had been two weeks since we decided to start afresh as a couple, it had been beautiful, I had been trying to redeem myself in the eyes of Raine.

I hadn't really talked about how her parents treated her because I realized she didn't want to talk about it.

She has been really cool with me, she lets me touch her but we've not gone beyond that, I don't know if she's ready to let me go that far, having gone through what she went through with her dead ex husband

We had gone on two occasions to see Mel and she was happy, even right from the beginning, Mel has always loved Raine like her daughter, she has always been in support of us being together

Hearing how her dead husband had made her go through series of abortions simply because he didn't want a child really broke my heart.

He didn't care if she was hurt or not, she knew she had a damaged uterus, she found out after her last abortion for him when she kept bleeding nonstop for three days and he had to take her to the hospital.

They advised her never to do any and if she ever got pregnant the chance of her losing the child was high, and she could also lose her life

He was lucky he died before I came into her life again because I'd have killed him if he was still alive.

Today I had left her and Ryan at home to quickly check on work, Ryan was beyond happy that we had settled things between us.

He has always been fond of Raine
Another thing I noticed these past months was that she was losing weight or maybe I was just being paranoid.

She also kind of looked to be in pain, most times I just catch glimpse of her grimacing like something was hurting her

And she looked weak but when I asked her, she said she was fine, just work stress so I let it go.

I was already at work, almost finishing when I got a call from Ryan and when I picked, he sounded like he was panicking, it got me worried.

He was breathing hard so I asked him to calm down and explain to me what happened, then he told me something that shocked me to my bones.

For a few minutes I was frozen before I regained myself and asked him the most important question, where they were at the moment.

He quickly gave me the address and I dashed out of my office, all the while my mind racing and beating hard.

What could have possibly gone wrong, I knew she looked too pale to be okay, I shouldn't have left her side.

I was driving at an unusual speed because my mind was in a haze and I needed to get to Raine quickly, I already had a bad feeling about this


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