Chapter 20

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Jace's POV

I slowly turn the knob on the door and it creaks open as I walk in, both their heads turn to look at me.

Raine has a sad smile on her face and i walk in further stopping at the side of her bed, I dont say anything as i just stand there and watch her

Ryan gives her hand a tight squeeze before he pecks her forehead

"I'll be outside Raine, i think both of you need to talk" he says before walking out leaving us both standing there.

"Hey" she breaths out with a smile, her face contorts in a way as she sits up

"Hey" I whisper to her with a sigh, I'm trying to take in her feature and only now do I really see how much her eye color had changed, they looked too yellow to be normal.

We both just stay in silence, there's a lot I want to tell her but I don't even know where to start from, she doesn't even look bothered.

"So I guess they told you already"? She whispers out looking at me and my eyes are trained on her already, I know what she's talking about.

She doesn't look sad or bothered or even scared, it's as if she'd been waiting for it to happen or maybe...... I trail off

"Did you know"? I ask her and she just looks the other way avoiding my eyes, she knew

"Raine, how long have you known"? I ask her in a whisper and she breaths out before looking back at me with a somber look

"A month" she says barely audible making me run my hands through my hair.

"Why didn't you tell me"? I asked and she just shuts her eyes, I can tell she's almost crying
"Raine, why didn't you tell me"? I ask her lowly, I can feel my own voice trembling.

"I couldn't, I couldn't bring myself to do it" she says tears glistening her eyes "after four painful years, I finally had you back, how could I have possibly tell you I was dying" she said and the tears just drops

"Oh God" I breath out, the tears blind my eyes too

I didn't even want to think about it, I couldn't lose Raine now.
I finally had her back barely a month and now I would have to lose her again?

I cup her cheeks and wipe the tears away "Baby, you're not dying, there's a solution, a risky one, but it's a risk I'm willing to take if it lets you live" I tell her

"Jace don't, don't give me hope and don't give yourself hope" she says turning her face but I told her head back to face me

"Look at me Raine, I can't lose you, not now, not ever, I won't sit back and do nothing when I know there's something I can try" I tell her feeling the tears leave my own eyes

"What if it doesn't work"? She asks in a whisper

"Baby it's going to work, it has to, I love you and I don't wanna lose you" I tell her before capturing her lips in mine tasting her salty tears on my tongue.

I pour out all my emotions into the kiss, She is my life and I'd rather not have one that lose her.
I'd try everything humanly possible to save her


Raine's POV

I had woken up in the hospital to find Ryan staring at me, he had tears in his eyes, and I know he knew what was happening to me.

He told me Jace was here already and he asked why I didn't tell anyone.
It's a hard thing to do

Yes I had found out a month ago that I had cancer and it was already at it's critical stage, but I didn't tell Jace or Ryan because I didn't want to ruin the beautiful moment.

Telling them something like that was hard for me, I knew I was dying but it was better to live with it if I pretended it wasn't there and everything was fine.

Jace was sitting on the chair with his head on my thighs, while I played with his hair, he hadn't said anything since our talk.

I see how much it affects him, as much as it's been long, I know he still loves me dearly and hearing something like this was killing him.

And I know the doctors had said I had a chance at survival if I went for surgery but regardless we had to be prepared for the worst because not a lot of people survive leukemia cancer and worse not one at it's critical stage.

He raised his head up and met my eyes
"A penny for your thoughts"? He asked and I just sighed out with a shrug

"I'm just thinking about the surgery that's all" I say and I see a sad emotion in his eyes before he squeezes my hands

"It's going to be okay baby" he says getting up "I'm coming, I need to go talk to the doctors about the surgery and when it's going to take place, will you be okay before I get back"? He asks gently and I nod with a smile

"I'll be fine Jace" and he presses a kiss to my temple before walking out.

The day I found out I was dying, I cried hard, not because I didn't want to die but because I didn't want to leave Jace alone, we hadn't even gotten back together then but we were friends again and I didn't want to leave something as beautiful as that behind.

I made sure he didn't know tho, I lied I had work to do and I locked myself in my bathroom and cried my eyes out.

I rested my back on the bed and faced the ceiling, with thoughts running through my head.

Should something ever happen to me, how would Jace take it?
He would really take it hard, only hours of being told I was dying and it was already telling on him.


After talking to the doctors yesterday, they said I needed to be kept in the hospital for observation pending when the surgery would take place, Jace had me moved to the VIP room with a more comfortable bed, big enough to take three people.

He said he didn't want me to feel less of myself, he hadn't left my side since yesterday, he called his step mom and told her of what had happened.

She was currently here with me and she'd been crying since then, even though I told her I was fine.

Even after Jace had told her I would go into surgery soon and that I'd be okay, she still cried.

Ryan had to take her out for a few minutes so she could calm down before he brought her back in

The room I was in was bigger than most hospital rooms, it had a mini fridge, and the bathroom was way better than my previous room.

Although I had told everyone I was fine but I was still in pain, but I didn't want to tell them so they don't panic or pity me.

I really didn't want anyone to pity me right now.
I don't think Jace had told my parents about what happened, or maybe he did but they just didn't care enough to call or come check on me.

Truthfully it made me feel sad but I had Jace and that's all that mattered to me right now.

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