Chapter 6

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Raine's POV

As you can guess it, my dear husband didn't come back home last night, because I slept off very late and he didn't come before I slept off.

After I had showered, I ate what Gladys prepared and waited a bit in the kitchen, just trying to make conversation with her, she seems like a nice old lady.

I asked about her daughter and the other lady she'd told me worked here and she said they were both out for the night, so she was okay with doing the work.

After talking and still stalling a bit, hoping Jace would show up, I finally gave up because I was exhausted from all the standing I did, so I went to bed.

And now it's morning, I'm up and running, I go to the bathroom and do my morning business, I quickly change from my pajamas and into a burgundy short and a white top.

I walk out of my room and down the stairs, I thought I had seen the magnificence of the house last night but I was dead wrong because today I was seeing a whole new thing in the living room.

Where there was a huge space last night with beautiful tiles, there was a huge aquarium there covered with glass of course, but I wasn't sure it was real because everything in this house screamed, virtual reality.

And the whole house was covered in see through glass windows, all these I didn't see last night, from where I stood I could see the outside of the house.

But then movement from the kitchen stopped my sightseeing, someone, a lady had walked out of the kitchen wearing nothing but a white long sleeve buttoned up shirt, it looked too big to be hers.

She had long blonde hair and sea green eyes, she was staring at me like I was an intruder

I didn't want to sound bitchy or rude so I just stared back not asking the question I had was the to ask.

"Who are you"? Her voice jogged me back, she had a pitch like voice

"I'm sorry but I should be asking you that, you just walked out of my kitchen" I said looking at her skeptically

She didn't seem or look rude to me.
"I'm sorry, there must be a misunderstanding here, this is Jace's house" she said more like asked and I nodded

"Yes it is, and I'm his wife" I said, her eyes widened, the fact that she called him by his first name kept making me think long.

On cue Jace walked down from the stairs and without even sparing me a glance, he walked towards the young lady whom I still didn't know her name and he kissed her.

I just stood there like a fool while my husband kissed another woman in front of me, the same man I wedded yesterday, was kissing another woman right in front of me.

"Hey baby, is she bothering you"? He asked pointing towards me and the lady just shook her head and her eyes found me.

"You didn't tell me you were married"? she asked accusingly but he just hummed but he didn't stop kissing her neck.

She had to stop him halfways, I didn't even know how to react to this, I mean this is my husband and he was acting like I wasn't even in the room.

"I'm going home Jace" the girl said and walked upstairs, he just glared at me without saying anything, I didn't know if I should cry or laugh.

This was like my life was repeating itself, I had gone through this before but now it was worse, I love the person hurting me.

"You and I need to have a long talk, for now stay out of my way" he spat at me before walking upstairs leaving me there.

My vision was already getting blurry and I could feel the tears threatening to spill.
My chest felt like it had been frozen and pricked a million times over.

I was hurting badly, he didn't even bother to explain himself, he just walked out like that.

I slowly walked upstairs, not even bothering to eat like I had planned to.


Jace's POV

When I saw Raine in her wedding dress, I literally felt my heart skip a beat, she looked so fucking beautiful, at a point I wished we were actually getting married for real but I shook off the thoughts.

She looked beautiful but her eyes told a different story, she looked empty but I didn't really care.

And when I kissed her, I didn't want to kiss her softly because kissing her alone was messing with my head, so if kissed her softly then I'd definitely lose control.

Yes the kiss was meant to show her just how much punishment awaits her as my wife, I had her wedding dress specially designed for her.

When I took her home, I could see the shock and surprise on her face when she saw my house, it made me smirk.

I pretended to be on my phone all through the ride but I stole glances at her when she wasn't looking, as much as I disliked Raine, I couldn't help but notice how beautiful she looked.

I left her in front of the house and drove out, I drove straight to a club, I had no intentions of bringing anyone home but I couldn't resist the Blondie.

She felt so good, and at a point I saw Raine in her while fucking her.
Waking up to their little conversation in the living room, I liked it because I wanted to get a reaction out of Raine and I did.

She didn't like waking up to another woman almost naked, and when I kissed her I could have sworn, Raine's eyes almost left their socket.

I know she wasn't expecting me to do that but I did, a good reminder that I was no longer, young, dumb and stupid Jace she once knew.

I saw the tears in her eyes before I walked out, and I felt good but I felt something else but I pushed it back into the pit of my heart, she doesn't deserve my pity.

I let the Blondie go home, after a few minutes of arguing about how I never told her I was married, there's no way she could have known because I took off my wedding band the moment I drove out of the mansion last night.

I told her, we needed to talk, I had a few rules I needed to give to her, rules that she had to abide by, while living with me as my wife.

Rules I knew she'd break, but that was the point, I needed a reason to get onto her, and this is the perfect time to do so.

I know she must have met Gladys, because I called her to inform her or Raine's arrival last night


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