Chapter 23

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Jace's POV

Today was the day we'd all been waiting for, Raine was finally going into surgery later today, I was fucking nervous and I could tell she was too.

I was trying not to show it but it was hard, I had this strong feeling that the surgery was gonna turn out good.

I woke up this morning feeling very positive, Raine and I were currently watching a movie, but my eyes never left her, I could see a little bit if discomfort on her face but when I asked her, she told me she was just nervous about today.

She wasn't really responding to me with enthusiasm but I brushed it off as one of those days, and besides, she'd be in a life and death situation soon, I couldn't really blame her.

The surgery was supposed to hold in the next hour, so I could understand why she seemed so distant and out of her element, but that didn't help the nervousness I was feeling.

I felt like I was the one going into surgery, I was hardly even concentrating on the movie and I know it was the same for her too.

"Jace" she whispered out and I looked her
"I feel like eating burger, can you go get it for me" she asks making me smile

"Really baby? Burger"? I asked and she just pouted and nodded "alright baby, what else would you like me to get you"? I asked

"Maybe ice cream, strawberry flavour" she says scrunching up her nose and I just chuckled before getting up.

"Don't fall asleep baby, I want to be with you when you go into the theatre okay" I tell her and she nods

"I'll wait for you Jace, just don't stay too long" she says before I lean down and kiss her

"I love you" she whispered out and I smile

"I love you more Raine, I better get going so I'd be back on time" I peck her before picking up my keys and leaving.

I'd do anything for her, I can't wait for the surgery to be over so I can have her back fully and show her just how much I love her.

Ryan called that he'd be at the hospital soon, he had some work to take care of, he was going to come with Mel.

They all loved her and I can tell she loved them too, I drove out if the hospital with a smile on my face

In just an hour, she'd be fine and we'd go back to living our normal lives again.


After getting the burger I quickly stop by at the house to get a few clothes for myself, because after the surgery, I'd still stay at the hospital with her for a while.

I was quick tho because I was already getting late, I had less than 30 minutes before she'd be wheeled in.

I drove straight to the hospital from home, so I could put the ice cream in the fridge so it doesn't defrost, and also so I could see her before she went in for surgery.

I got to the hospital and was walking towards her room when I spotted Ryan and Mel outside, they had come already, well I guess they too wanted to see her before she got in.

As I got closer I realized Ryan had a worried look on his face, his eyes were kind of red and Mel was not even looking at me

I got to him and stopped "Hey man, why are you both outside? am I late? did the doctors start already"? I asked and Ryan just shook his head making me let out a breath, he put his hands on my shoulder.

I made to walk towards her door but he pulled me back

"Jace" he breathed out like he was fighting with himself

"What's wrong man"? I asked with a light laugh "come on I need to drop this for Raine before she gets angry" I say turning around but he stopped me again.

I was already getting frustrated, what's his problem anyway.

"Jace, Raine is gone" he whispered out making me raise my brow at him.

"What do you mean she's gone, have they taken in her in yet, damn I can't believe I'm late" I muttered out and he just breath out

"Raine is dead" he blurted out making me freeze and tense at the same time

"What"? I whispered out "is this some kind of sick joke"? I asked with a scoff looking over at Mel but she just turns her head the other way.

I look back to see Ryan shaking his head "No man, Raine's gone" and then just like that tears drop from his eyes making me stumble back.

I don't believe him, I rush towards the door and push it open, Raine is there lying on the bed her eyes closed.

"Are you crazy Ry, she's just sleeping, jeez you almost got me there" I breath out walking towards her with Ry behind me

"Baby I'm back" I say reaching out for her hands, they're very cold but the AC is not even on at full capacity.

She doesn't move, and I call her again.

"Raine, I got your burger" I whisper out but she just lays there her eyes closed and her face looking peaceful.

I look over to Ryan and he had tears in his eyes, he was trying to hold back the sobs.

I drop the bag I had with me and bend down to hold her
"Raine, baby I'm back" I whisper out my voice trembling. "Baby wake up and look at me" I say out low but she doesn't even move.

I take her hand in mine as I massaged it "Baby, I know this is a prank but you got me, you got me real good, you can wake up now" the tears were already out of my eyes even before I know it.

"Raine, baby you can't leave me, I'm going to be lonely, just wake up okay" I say pulling her close to me and sniffing her hair.

Ryan is trying to pull me off but I just push him away
"Raine, you remember when you asked me what my darkest fear was, I told you I'd tell you, baby losing you is my fear, so please don't leave me, open your eyes and look at me Raine" my voice cane out loud and full of unshed tears.

The tears were blurring my vision, my heart was beating wildly by the second.
I couldn't believe she's gone

"You told me you'd wait for me, baby I'm back" I pick up the bag and bring out the burger "baby I got your burger, please wake up" I sob out and Ryan just yanks me off her.

"Stop it Jace, she's gone" he yells at me and I just glare at him

"Don't you dare say that" I whisper out but he just stands in front of me, I look over at her and that's when it all hits me making me stumble back and my back hit the wall as I slide down on it

Raine is really..... Dead
My Raine is gone, she left me again.

The tears just keeps coming out freely as I sit down there, Ryan storms out of the room and I can hear his sobs.

As I sit there every memory I ever shared with her plays on my mind like a movie

From the day I met her at the office, fast forward to when I asked her to marry me, the smile she had on that day, to the first time I made love to her, the look in her eyes when she left me four years ago, the look on her face the day I locked her out of the house, her tears stricken face the day she caught me with Rose, the image of her face painted in my art room, and the last image is the one of her telling me she'd wait for me, I shouldn't take long.

She was gone and I was never getting her back
I had lost my Raine
I had lost the woman I love forever

Raine is dead guyssssss
That's so sad 😥😥😥

The book is coming to an end guys

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