Chapter 7

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Raine's POV

I had cried and even forgot I needed to eat, what I saw this morning had managed to spoil my mood and take away my appetite.

I know the girl had left but it still made me feel bad that my husband brought home and probably had sex with another woman in the same house I was in.

This wasn't the Jace I knew before, he would never hurt me, but then again, I hurt him first.
I had cried that I could literally feel my eye swollen.

My door swung open and none other than my husband walked in, he was wearing white tank top that fitted him perfectly well, it had short sleeves so I could see his tattoo.

It looked like a snake wrapped around his arms and way up into his biceps but I couldn't see the head of the snake, I take my eyes off his body and look down.

I would hate to have him catch me staring at him, he walked towards me and stood in front of me before taking a seat at the bedside table.

I know he's not here to apologize because he doesn't even look remorseful at all, he had a neutral look on his face.

He was looking at me and it made me feel small under his gaze so I kept shifting a bit.

He cleared his throat
"I told you we needed to talk earlier on" his voice came out sharp and I just nodded not trusting my own voice.

"As my wife there are certain rules you should abide by and follow in this house and I'm going to tell them to you once and only once" he said looking directly at me

"Number one, never and I mean never go into my room, else I won't be held responsible for whatever happens" he says and I just look at him not blinking

"Number two as my wife you're expected to clean the house, I know you can't cook, so leave that to Gladys" he adds and I can't help but feel bad that he just brought it up that I can't cook, truly the kitchen isn't really my fortress but he shouldn't have brought it up like that.

"Number three, on no occasion are you allowed to speak to any of my female visitors I have over" and that makes me scoff

"More like your conquests" I mutter out and he just glares at me

"Number four, never talk back at me" he gritted out making me roll my eyes

"Number five, you're to fulfill your duties as my wife and that includes satisfying me sexually" he said with a smirk on his face

"In your dreams, there's no way I'm going to let those filty hands touch me knowing they've been on places I can't even imagine" I spit at him and he clenched his jaw

"You have no choice wife" he said as if he's taunting me, his eyes looked different, he definitely isn't the Jace I knew.

He got up and walked towards the door, when he got to it he stopped and turned to look at me

"You still get to keep your position as CEO of Richard enterprise, that's a bonus" he said before walking out.

I let out a huff and laid back on my bed, he's ridiculous and delusional if he thinks I'm gonna let him touch me.

I know he married me for revenge but I would never let him put my dignity on the ground and step on it.

I know I should feel bad for leaving him four years ago but seeing him now just makes me so angry, he's become something different.

I was going to follow all his rules to avoid his trouble, all but one.
The last rule will never happen, not with me


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