Chapter 8

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Raine's POV

It has been two week I've been married to Jace and I have most likely avoided him as possibly as I can, I've been going to work early and coming back early, before he does.

He swore to make my life a living hell, he didn't bother giving me a car, I had been going by cab and coming back by cab, and I didn't want to go home to get my car, because the last thing I want right now, is to have an encounter with my parents.

I had basically stayed off his path, all the rules he brought up, I've been able to do them all, at least he's still a bit better than my dead husband.

He hasn't really done anything to me, yet and I hope it stays like that.
I had met with Gladys's daughter and she was really beautiful and young.

They have basically been my friend and companion in the house, I get the sympathetic looks they give me sometimes but I don't really care.

I've had worse.
I plan on taking a stroll today out of the house, I didn't go to work and my dear husband has been holed up in his room all Morning.

Gladys left after making breakfast and lunch, today was their day off so the house was kind of quiet and boring.

I hadn't really had a chance to get a tour of the house, it's really huge and I'm sure there are a lot of parts I don't know and will probably never know.

I'm dressed in a jean and top, it's a sunny day and I didn't want to burden myself with much clothing.

I was about walking out the door when the man I call my husband walks down the stairs with his eyes trained on me in a glare.

I can't help but let my eyes wonder around his body, he was wearing a sweatpant and he was completely topless, I could see the full outline of his tattoo, it wasn't a snake like I thought before.

It was actually a dragon that had it's tail wrapped around his arms, while the head was on his chest area with it's mouth wide open like it's about to breath fire into his heart.

"And where the hell do you think you're going to"? He barks out, snapping me out of my staring.

"Out" I say matter of fact and he just growls

"Out to where Raine"? he asks me with a groan

"I don't see how that's any of your business" I mutter out to him, I know he warned me never to talk back at him but I wouldn't let him treat me like a push over in his house.

It makes me wonder how we were once each other's world but now, he couldn't even stand my presence for a second.

"It is my business, since the day you took up my last name, so where the hell are you going"? He gritted out walking towards me making me back up a bit.

I don't answer him, I just stare at him

"Fine, since you won't talk then you're not going anywhere" he says walking away and I just scoff at him

"You're delusional if you think you can keep me locked up in this house" I tell him and he stops walking and turns to me.

"You're not going anywhere Raine and that's final" he spat out glaring at me

"No" I tell him and he raises a brow at me

"No"? He asks and I breath out

"No, Jace, you will not keep me trapped in this house" I tell him, my confidence wavering a bit but I won't let him see it

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