Chapter 11

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Raine's POV

It has been a hectic time at work, we spent the whole week preparing for a lot of things, and cleaning the house and still going to work everyday wasn't really an easy thing.

I found myself getting more tired than usual.
I had just returned from work, I quickly warmed up the food Gladys already made before she left this morning.

I saw Jace's car in the house but I don't know if he was in because he had a lot of cars so he might have decided to use another.

We had been married for a month, and asides that incident one time, we have basically been living like strangers.

How doesn't talk to me and I don't talk to him, and I make sure not interfere in his business because I'd hate to have any encounter with him.

I ate and decided to go read a bit, I was putting on a blue short and a top with a single strap on only one side

I walked cheerfully towards the library and just as I'm about to open the door, I hear noises, foreign noises coming from inside, making me wonder who else is in this house.

I rest my hand on the knob and gently open it, I'm still scared because it might a thief, but what would a thief be looking for in a library?

I open it wide and stand at the doorway and I see my husband there but that's not all, what I was witnessing was heart wrenching.

The man I love was naked from the waist down with a completely naked woman on the table, she was moaning and had her hands all over him.

He was facing me, I don't think the lady had seen me because she was so deep into what they were doing, which definitely was having sex.

His eyes met mine and his lips curved into a smirk, he knew I would be home now and he knew I would come here.

He did this on purpose, their moans and grunts filled the whole room, my eyes already stung with unshed tears.

I stood there tongue tied as the first tear dropped, he was still looking at me and fucking whoever the lady was in front of me.

She kept moaning and he was going faster with his eyes on me, the tears were already flowing freely now.

I just closed the door and managed to find my way back to my room.

I got on the bed and a sob broke out of my throat, I was hurt, beyond words.
Jace knew I'd be home by this time and he knew I loved going to the library yet he chose there of all places to do such a thing.

He was really good at this revenge thing, because I was fucking hurt, My dead husband's action had never hurt me this much because I never loved him, but I love Jace and watching him with another woman was something I couldn't take.

My head already hurt badly and crying was only making it worse but I couldn't help the tears that kept coming


"Jace" I called and he turned to look at me on the bed "would you ever cheat on me, intentionally or not"? I asked and I could see the amused look on his face

"Where did that come from"? He asked cocking a brow at me and I just shrugged

"I know I'm not the most pretty girl so I guess I feel a bit insecure" I whisper out and he just gets up and hovers over me, his hands stroking my face

"Baby, you're the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life, and I'd be a fool to cheat on you, intentionally or not" he said with a strong emotion in his eyes

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