Chapter 24

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Jace's POV

"Hey, if you're watching this then I probably didn't make it" she says with a laugh at the end, she readjust the camera and her sitting position

"There are a few things I gotta tell you Jace, and I'd really be happy wherever I am knowing you listened to this, so please listen to this" she says seriously.

"I know you want to turn it off because you can't watch it knowing it's just a recording of me, but please don't turn it off baby" she pleads with her beautiful eyes.

"Okay so, I'm dead, and you're watching this right now and I know you skipped the first video" she chuckles out making my heart wrench, she knows me so well

"But anyways, you're watching this, I love you Jace, so much, more than you can ever imagine and I know losing me is going to hurt you so bad, because if I were in your shoes I don't think I'd be able to live without you" she smiles sadly

"Now I don't want you to blame yourself for anything that happened between us, even the things you did, because none of it is your fault, don't beat yourself around thinking you did something wrong because you didn't and truth told I'm not mad at you and I don't blame you" she breathes out

"I know it's going to be hard without me, but Jace I want you to do me a favor and move on with your life, please don't be mad or angry because I died, don't shut yourself off from the rest of the world"

"I love you and I'd hate to be the reason why you're sad or why your life becomes all those sour men who never smile or crack jokes" she chuckles out

"You have a beautiful smile Jace and I'd hate for you to hide that from the world, I want you to be happy because I love you" she wiped a stray tear that slipped from her eyes.

"For every single thing you did to me Jace, I forgive you" she breaths out her voice breaking "and I hope you forgive me too"

I can't watch it any longer so I shut the laptop close with a thud and right now I'm staring at her painting, the one I had covered, it still wasn't finished yet but her face was already completed.

She was staring right back at me.
It had been a week since she died and Ryan just gave me this flashdrive, he said on her request, she'd asked him to give to me should anything happen to her

The first two days I couldn't believe Raine was really dead.
She promised she'd wait for me to get back to her
She didn't even fight till after the surgery.

She died a few minutes before her surgery
At a point I passed out in the hospital and had to be kept under surveillance for a few days before they finally let me off.

We were yet to bury her, her parents didn't even show up at all, they really didn't even care about her.

Gladys had been trying to get me to eat but I just didn't have the appetite.
How could I eat when the woman I love was gone.

Raine is dead.
We didn't even have a chance to be together for long.
My heart was breaking and aching at the same time.

I thought my heart broke four years ago when she left, but now my heart was completely shattered.
I no longer had one because it died the day Raine died.

Ryan and Mel had been staying in the mansion with me, I had been sleeping in Raine's room since she died.

I still heard her laughter, still saw her beautiful smile and that cute pout, I still smelled her everywhere in the house.

She didn't even get a chance to see our wedding photos, the one she claimed I didn't smile in because I didn't want to get married to her.

I actually did smile in all of them but she didn't even notice, my eyes were on her the whole time

Even though I disliked her then, I still found myself drawn to her naturally, so through out the wedding reception, my eyes were glued to her and in every picture I was looking at her and smiling.

Everyday for the past one week I wish I'd walk into her room and see her lying down there or sitting and smiling at me.

I wish I'd walk into the kitchen and see her trying to burn the whole place down trying to cook, and she'd laugh and say it's not her fault no one taught her.

I ran my hands through my face with a sigh


"Mr Sinclair would you like to say anything" the priest asks me and I sigh before I get up and go to the front, right there laid her body in the casket.

She looked so peaceful I wish she'd just stand up and smile at me.
I took the microphone and took off my dark shades.

Ryan and Mel were sitting at the front, a few other work colleagues of hers and mine but her parents were nowhere to be found.

I didn't even know where to start from, I looked at her again and my heart broke all over again

"I uhh... Raine...." I paused and swallowed hard "Raine.... She was a wonderful person, a beautiful wife and a very understanding and supporting friend" I breath out.

"We had a lot set out to do together but I guess fate had other plans for us, I can't believe she's gone" I rush out "even standing here today I can't believe my wife is dead" my voice trembled at the end.

I look over to her in the coffin and I can't help but say it "Raine it's been two week now, if it's a prank baby you gotta wake up, you got me real good, it's time to wake up now" and just like that tears just kept pouring and I put down the microphone and walk down to where I sat before.

I couldn't even say anything without getting emotional, Ryan had his hands around my shoulder while Mel was just choking on sobs.

I know Ryan was crying behind those shades but he didn't want Mel to know, he was being strong for the three of us.

Up until they lowered her casket to the ground, I didn't believe Raine was really dead, I poured the first sand and then they started pouring the others, the tears and sobs I had been holding back break free.

I fall on my knees in front of her grave and my whole body shakes as I cry uncontrollably, I will never see her again.

This was it for us
We never really had a chance at being together.
Fate played a cruel game on us both.

It brought us back together to rip us apart again, and this time forever.
Ryan puts his hands on my shoulders as he helps me up, and leads me away from her grave

His body is trembling too, and I know he is crying
Her death hurt us all
She took a part of us all with her

Fate had dealt me a huge blow
It had won this game of Life
It took away the woman I love
Just as I'm about to have a normal life with her
It snatched her away never to be seen again.

Okay so this is the final chapter before the epilogue 😥😥

It's very sad guys
I warned y'all the book was a sad one 😞😞

So epilogue will be up soon
I love y'all for the reads and votes ❤️❤️

I actually cried writing this 😥😥😥😥

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