Chapter 10

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Raine's POV

After I left the gym, I still went sightseeing, there was still a lot of places in this house I needed to see.

Right now I was in a place I could literally die in, I think it's going to be my favourite part of this house, asides my room

Thousands of books were arranged on shelves, most were business but a few were casual novels.

He had a library in his home, how big is this place?
Not just any kind of library, but a huge one with so many books in it.

I was going through every shelf, letting my hands run through each of the books, they weren't dusty, an indication they cleaned it everyday or someone used it everyday.

Well now I'll also use it everyday to unwind time, at least to keep me away from Jace for as long as I can.

I picked out a book, it caught my interest and since I wasn't really busy right now, I might as well start reading it

The title was Forget me not, the name already has me glued, so I took a seat at the table and flipped through the first page.


I had dropped the book back after hours of reading, it was already night and I was feeling a bit hungry.

I went downstairs to find Gladys had just finished cooking, I asked her a few days ago why her daughter was mostly never around and she told me, she had college to finish.

I gave her a sweet smile as walk into the kitchen

"Raine, just on time, let me quickly serve it up for you" she said with a smile.

Minutes later she brought a plate of well made spaghetti and sauce, my mouth watered on seeing it and she just laughed, I muttered a thank you and dived into eating it.

I heard the front door open and someone walked in but I was too hungry to even check, but I knew whoever it was, I'd see them if they passed by the sitting room, but this person didn't, instead they walked straight to the kitchen.

My face broke into a smile when I saw who it was

"Ry" I squealed out and he laughed with his hands in his pocket, he was putting on a ripped jean and a blue top, he looks just as handsome as Jace and if you didn't look closely you'd never be able to tell they're not actually brothers but step brothers.

"How you doing Raine"? He asked and I just shrugged still stuffing my face with food

"I'm okay, do you want some"? I ask gesturing to my plate and he just shakes his head with a smile

"Nah, I think I'll pass, some other time tho, where's your husband"? He asks making me tense at the mention of Jace.

"Upstairs I guess" I mutter out and I can feel Ryan's eyes on me

"Raine" he calls me and I hum in response "you good? I mean is my brother doing anything to you"? He asks seriously and I just shake my head

"I'm fine Ry" I breath out with a smile "Trust me I'm good" I say to him and he takes my free hand and squeezes

"If he's doing anything to you, don't hesitate to tell me and I'll talk some sense into him" he says and I just nod with a smile.

"Who are we talking some sense into"? His voice resounds from the kitchen entrance.

He stands there with his brows cocked at his brother and I, his eyes darting between the both of

"Who else would it be? You're the senseless one among us" Ry tells him and I almost laugh but I don't

He scoffs "you wish" he says before letting his eyes land on me, I feel suddenly small under his gaze and I don't bother looking at him because this will the first time in days we'd be seeing each other after the whole incident, and thank God we weren't alone.

He casts his gaze away from me as he answers to something Ryan says as they both walk out of the kitchen, leaving me there alone, which I'm grateful for.


Jace's POV

I had come home early today, after the whole incident with her, I haven't seen or spoken to her since then, I know she's been avoiding me but I don't really care much.

I went straight to the gym to ease off stress, I didn't know she had entered, I only saw her when she involuntarily gasped out while sightseeing inside the gym.

But I was quick to look away like I hadn't even turn around, I wanted to see what she would do, so I pretended to be on my phone, while I was actually watching her from the camera.

She tiptoed back out silently, in hopes that I didn't see or hear her.
Honestly I didn't know she was home when I came, and I doubt she knew I was home either.

I don't know why I stared at her like that when Ryan had come over, I hadn't seen her in days, so I guess it was just on impulse.

I hadn't really gone to the club after that first night of our wedding where I brought Blondie home.

I no longer believe in love, I just wanted to have my fill of pleasure and that was it, but deep down it was hard going to the club with Raine in the house.

I know she was surprised when she saw the gym, I bet she doesn't even know there's a theater here for movies, she must have found the library already, because If she knows I have a gym then the library wouldn't be hard to find.

Personally I would have loved to give her a tour of the house, probably to gloat and make her realise that I had everything she never thought I'd have.

She left me because I had nothing, and now I have it all but she wouldn't be getting it because I'd never treat her like my wife

Like I had told her before, she was sold to me like an object and I will treat her like one.

She was mine to hurt
Mine to use the way I wanted
And mine to break completely

Hmmmm 😩😩😩

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