Chapter 2

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Jace's POV

After four long years, I finally see her again, in flesh and blood and she hasn't changed a bit.

She still looked flawless and beautiful, her deep sea blue eyes and brunette hair, with her perfectly shaped body.

But behind all these is a vermin, a snake.
She broke me beyond repair, the night she looked me in the eyes and told me she never loved me, was the days I hated her.

She left without any remorse, it took me months to be able to pull through and when I did, I promised myself I'd work hard, hard enough that I'd feel my bones break.

I needed to prove her wrong, I worked hard to become the man she thought I'd never become and even better.

I had heard a few weeks back that her husband had died, the same man she left me for, the one she told me proposed to her, the one that made her take off my own ring and replace it with his.

So when her parents came to me for help, I knew this was my chance at revenge, I bet they don't even remember me anymore but she does, I saw the shock and fear in her eyes when she saw me.

Yes I bought the company with no intention of using it, but just to get under her skin
I want her to feel the pain and humiliation I felt four years ago when she left me.

She asked what I wanted, and truthfully like I told her, what I want, she can never give it to me because it's too late for that.

I drove straight to my own company immediately I left the building.
I was sitting in my office now, just thinking about how much she looked more mature and beautiful but I'll be damned if I let that beauty deceive me.

I know what a sly fox she can be, it's all for a show.
My office door opened and Ryan walked in. He plopped himself on the single couch in my office with a sigh.

"How was your meeting with the Richards"? He asked and I just shrugged.

"It was good" I muttered out.

"Did you see her"? He asked raising his brows and I just sighed

"Yes, yes I did" I told him

"And"? He pressed making me look at him

"What do you mean"? I asked him and he just smirked

"Don't tell me you don't miss her, because the look on your face says otherwise" he said

"I don't miss her Ryan, you only miss someone you love and last I checked, I don't love her" I said with my jaw clenched

"Are you sure about that"? He asked raising his brows at me

"I am sure, now stop spending the whole day asking about irrelevant things and get to work" I say to him and he just chuckles before getting up and walking out.

I reclined back in my seat and I dive deep in thoughts, if someone had asked me this question, years ago when she just left, I'd have said yes I missed her and love her but now those feelings no longer exists.

The only thing I feel is revenge, I'm going to make her pay for all the pains and hurt she caused me, and I know just where to start.


It had been a few days since I saw her last and told her of my plans to let go of some or most of her employees.

Her parents had sold more than half of the company's shares to me, which gives me this much leverage, technically I was her boss.

I had called them over for a meeting, or should I say a demand, if they wanted to keep their employees and of course the main purpose of the company, they needed to do something for me.

And I know just what to ask for.
We were sitting down in my office and they were so eager to please, both husband and wife all smiles.

They were greedy bastards, just like their selfish daughter, I'm not surprised where she got her attitude from, looking at her parents, I actually can see where she got it from.

They'd do just about anything if the right amount is being mentioned, just then my Secretary entered with a folder in her hand, she gave it to me and walked out.

I dropped the folder in front of them
"That's the new contract I'd like you to sign for the benefit of your company" I said and they looked at  each other in confusion before picking it up.

I relaxed on my chair as they both opened it and were going through it, they were smiling because it had a lot of gains for them, especially monetary part but I could see confusion etched on their face at the last clause.

"Mr Sinclair, we don't understand what this last clause means"? The man spoke up and I just raised my brows at him

"What's there not to understand Mr Richard? It's quite simple" I say putting my hands on the table and sitting upright.

"But Mr Sinclair, she just lost her husband" the wife said and I just scoffed


"So we're not sure she's going to agree to this" the man said dropping the file on the table, I just smirked before speaking up.

"You're her parents so make her, she either agrees or everything in that contract will be terminated, and if she does agree, I'm going to add 50% to the money already situated to be given to you both" I tell them a smirk still playing on my lips and I see their eyes widen.

That's right greedy bastards, take the bait.
You're selfish so I assume you'd cave in with the right amount and I was right.

They both contemplate for a while before looking at each other and smiling.

"She'll do it, we'll make sure to bring it back by tomorrow with her signature on it" the wife says and I relax on my chair with a smirk on my face.

I just started my plan of revenge, these people really are greedy, without even a second thought they've agreed to my terms, not even knowing what my intentions are.

I can't wait to see her face when she sees this or hears it from her parents.
Of course she might agree too, she likes money just as much as them.
I mean if they're quick to tell me she'll do it, that means they know their daughter very well and they know she'd do it without delay.

I can't wait to have her exactly where I want her, those eyes, I want to see them cry and beg for mercy, like I did four years ago and she brutally walked away from me and into the arms of another man

What do you think he's asking for?😩😩

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