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"The devil whispers, 'you cannot withstand the storm'

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"The devil whispers,
'you cannot withstand the storm'.
The warrior replies,
'I am the storm'."


Bucky wasted no time and pointed his gun at the woman's head. "Open the cuffs," he seethed, his voice thick with pure, unadulterated rage. He was actually hoping she'd test his bluff.

The doctor did as she was told, unlocking the cuffs on Nadine's feet first, then her wrists. Bucky was about to tell her to step back when Nadine's eyes shot open. Before anyone could react, she grabbed a knife off of the tray and lunged at the doctor, grabbing her hair. She didn't hesitate to plunge the knife in her. The doctor yelled something incoherent before she stopped, blood spilling all over Nadine as the woman collapsed on top of her. She shoved the body off of her, and as it collapsed onto the floor, he noticed a knife deep in the woman's eye.

"Nadine," Bucky whispered in disbelief. He felt like the haze he'd been under for the past few days had been completely shattered. Not only Nadine was alive, but she was awake and swinging.

She gave no indication that she heard him and instead cried out and clutched her right thigh. Bucky now took note of her swollen knee and foot. It must have been affected by the sudden movement. He couldn't concentrate, though, because he also noticed her bandaged fingers, her bruised collarbone, her swollen eye and scabbing lip... Oh God.

A part of him was heartbroken that it had taken them three weeks to find her. The other part knew, however, that he couldn't express that heartbreak right now. He merely concentrated on the fact that Nadine was alive.

She was alive. She was awake. He repeated that over and over until he could get his bearings again.

"Hey, Dina, it's okay," he reassured, taking off his gloves before hesitantly placing a hand on her shoulder. "We're going to get you out of here."

She recoiled instantly. Her breathing was heavy as she raised trembling hands in a defensive manner. "D-Don't."

The terrified plea made him pull back. He didn't want to her to think that he was going to hurt her, but he needed her to listen.

"Nadine, look at me." Bucky lowered his mask and raised his hands in a sign that he wasn't going to touch her. "Listen to my voice. It's me. It's James."

She slowly, but surely, turned her eyes towards him. Her gaze settled on his hand, his metal hand. Her breaths were still shallow, but at the very least Nadine seemed like she was trying to anchor herself back to reality. She lowered her hands.

Bucky placed his hand between them, hesitantly reaching out towards her cheek. Her gaze was unfocused as she finally looked up at him, disbelief written all over her face. "You're real."

"Yes, I'm real, Dina," he replied, tears forming in his eyes as his fingers delicately brushed her cheek. Her own eyes glistened as she leaned into his touch. "I'm here."

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