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"I am the tall dark stranger all those warnings prepared you about

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"I am the tall dark stranger all those warnings prepared you about."


Nadine didn't know if she'd passed out after the explosion.

The force threw her back and she hit something solid before collapsing onto the ground. She opened her eyes, her vision doubling for a moment before she could finally see. She coughed out dust made from stone or clay, and when she tried to get up, Nadine realized that a painting had fallen on top of her. Pushing it aside, she staggered to her feet, her legs shaking and her breathing fatigued like she'd been punched in the gut. When she looked up, her eyes locked with Kristina's; she had blood on her silver dress and was seething with a rage that she'd only seen a few times during her childhood. The woman seemed to be saying something, but Nadine didn't have time to register it before she noticed the gun in her hand. She was tackled to the ground behind the velvet seat before any shots found her; when she turned towards her savior, it was Kaia, whose lips were moving, but no sound came out. Was she whispering?

No, she was yelling, but Nadine couldn't hear anything. She hadn't noticed that her ears were ringing.

When she peeked over the couch, Kristina was gone, the men that had accompanied her all on the floor; whether dead or alive was an unanswered question she didn't care to figure out. Nadine stood back up, quickly running over towards Taj and Dante, who were lying on top of a mess of broken pieces from the chairs they'd been tied to. Reaching towards her partner to help him up, he pushed her hands away as he stood on his own. His mouth was moving, so she assumed he was saying some stupid shit about how he could do it all on his own. Kaia waved towards the door as a figure stepped into the room: Sam, who was controlling a red, drone-like object with his watch and was holding a gun in front of him. He said something, but she couldn't hear. After concentrating on his lips, it seemed like he was saying "-Anyone hurt?"

"How about a little bit of a warning next time before you blow shit up?" Emilia mouthed, or shouted, Nadine didn't know what to call it. The woman was pulling out splinters due to crashing onto the coffee table.

Nadine shook her head to try to stop the ringing. "We can't let Kristina escape," she said, but she could barely hear her own voice.

"Girl, we need to go," Sam countered, a little louder this time. "This place is about to come crashing down."

"Kristina is a part of the Bratva, Sam," she replied as she made her way to one of the men on the floor. She didn't check to see if they were alive and simply took the gun, confirming the amount of ammunition it still had before proceeding to turn back towards the Falcon. "That woman is the next step in finding that sphere."

Sam groaned dramatically. Clearly, he wasn't all that keen on spending any more time in the building. "Fine, you and I will go."

"What about Dante and Taj?!" Emilia questioned, and Nadine looked at them. Kaia was helping them up, but neither were in shape to fight. 

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