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"Renegades, never to be tamed

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"Renegades, never to be tamed."


Natasha never expected any of this to happen.

Had someone told her all those years ago that fighting against an alien invasion would bring her here, she definitely wouldn't have believed them.

But here she was, hiding from the public eye, running from the government, as always.

Now don't get her wrong, for as long as she could remember, hiding from the public and running from the government were two things she's always done since she left the Red Room.

However, she'd never done those things with two super soldiers and an ex-pararescue. That was definitely new and difficult to do, especially with all of them being as public as they were recently.

Thankfully, they had Wakanda to help in that department. T'Challa helped them keep out of the public eye, and it helped a lot with their whole situation. Unfortunately, as of two days ago, Wakanda wasn't an option anymore, not with the recent attacks that have been happening.

They didn't want to leave, but T'Challa insisted. Said it wasn't safe. So, after much berating, they complied.

And that's how Natasha ended up sitting in front of a computer, trying to find one of her contacts that could be available to provide them safe passage out of Africa.

"Here," Steve placed a bottle of water within her reach. His only answer was a thumbs up from the redhead across from him. "What are you doing?"

Natasha held up a finger for him to shut up, her eyes never leaving the screen as she searched the airport cameras for something, or more specifically, someone. "Patience, Rogers."

Steve didn't say anything, but she knew that he most likely rolled his eyes at her playful quip. She chose to ignore it, though, because the face that appeared on her computer's screen made her entire week. "Found you, finally."


"Nothing," Natasha dismissed, her fingers brushing some choppy strands of her hair out of her face. Her gaze lifted from the computer and landed on the man in front of her, her signature crooked smirk evident on her face. "I have a plan."

He raised an eyebrow questioningly, but the way one side of his mouth turned upwards made it clear that he was amused. "And that is?"

"I told you I'd find someone who can get us out of Lagos, and I did."

"And how are you sure that this person is going to help us?" He questioned, suddenly growing wary of the mystery person that Natasha was so keen about.

Her eyes landed on Nadine Madaki's blurred picture again. With the way she seemed to look straight at the camera, dark eyes piercing through the device menacingly, Natasha knew she was their best chance out of Lagos. Her smirk only grew wider as she already started crafting how she was going to contact the young woman. "Because I saved her life, so she owes me a favor. And I plan on cashing in."

Yeah, it's short, I planned it to be that way. Think of this as a prologue to the story. That's all.

Thank you for reading:)

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