Chapter Ten

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Roman's P.O.V

Two weeks have passed. I'm currently sitting in the garden with my brother, Janus, and Logan. Virgil and Patton should be joining us soon. Patton, despite not needing to, insisted on working until the day before he leaves. Something about feeling bad for leaving without us having a replacement. So that's where they are now.

I'm in the middle of talking to my brother when there's a huge explosion coming from the manor. The four of us jump up and start running towards it. When we reach it we find a huge hole blasted into the side of the manor. There are a couple of servants who are laying on the ground. Whoever blasted through must've already gone inside.

My brother and I share a look.

"Dad," we say at the same time. Before I can even start moving, Virgil flashes through my mind.

"Damn it," I say. I want to make sure my dad is alright but...

"Go find him. Janus and I will check on Dad," Remus says when he notices my conflict.

"Thanks," I say and run after Logan who already took off looking for Patton. It only takes me a minute to catch up to him because he stopped to ask a fleeing servant if they'd seen Patton.

"No. I haven't seen him in a while. Last I saw he was with Virgil and Ollie," she says.

"Continue to evacuate," I tell her.

"Come on. They must be in the back finishing up laundry duty," I tell him as we run around to the side.

I was right. They were finishing up but now they're fighting off what might as well be an army of mages. Logan and I only watch for a few seconds before running over to them. Ollie and Patton are covering Virgil's back while he seems to be talking on most of them. He's using spell after spell but when one gets knocked down two more pop up.

"Virgil!" I call out.

"Roman," he says with relief.

"Less talking more fighting," Logan says despite obviously wanting to look over Patton.

"This is talking forever," a guy's voice says as he orders the others to stand down.

"Be a good boy and come with us. You'll have everything you've ever wanted," he says looking at Virgil.

"Piss off," Virgil says.

"Fair enough. Addy. Surround them with explosive magic," the guy says.

"Alright," a girl, Addy I'm assuming says. We all turn to see her atop the manor. She jumps and slowly falls to the ground. Floating magic. Once she lands she spreads out her arms. She creates multiple spheres of explosive magic. She must be as strong as Virgil.

"Shit," I mutter.

"Barriers now," Logan says.

"That won't help you," the guy says with a grin as Addy thrusts her hands forward.

We all put up a barrier. Even though I have a feeling it will be practically useless. That's when I notice three more barriers appear before us. They're purple. The explosion hits them but Virgil's barriers completely protect us. When the magic dies down Virgil's barriers disappear. I hear a muffled yell from behind me and turn to see Virgil slumped over. One of the guys who attacked Virgil before and broke his seal is holding him.

"Virgil!" I exclaim. He doesn't even stir which means it was sleeping magic. I immediately try to go to him but the guy picks him up and jumps back.

As soon as he's out of range a dozen men and women come over to block the way.

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