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"ALRIGHT FOLKS, LET'S START FROM THE BEGINNING SHALL WE?" Holland ran across the wall as she was fighting the Green Goblin. As she raised her hand to spring a web to a ledge above her, the Green Goblin threw one of her bombs, causing Holland to be blown straight into a wall from the force of the explosion.

"My name is Holland Parker. I was bitten by a radioactive spider and for the last eight months I've been New York's one and only Spider-Woman. You guys already know the rest. I've been saving a bunch of people." She got up from her laid position, groaning from the impact but shrugged it away as she ran forward, attaching a web to a ledge, swinging over to the Green Goblin.

"I couldn't save my cousin, Peter Parker who was New Yorks Spider-Man. A few days after I was bit, he died in a fight due to the Green Goblin. Ironic, right?" As she swung to the Green Goblin, Holland webbed one of the exhausts, causing it it sputter and go in circles while also going down. "But now I save everyone else, well try to at least."

The Green Goblin forced the exhaust to go on over drive basically as the web had now come off but that gave Holland enough time to web onto the Green goblin and take her off of her flying drone. "After his death I practically became shut off and lost contact with my friends. I mean, can you blame me? He was like a brother to me." The drone—since it didn't have anyone to control it—glided to the floor, trying not to harm itself.

Holland then crashed landed with the Green Goblin, fighting her hand in hand combat. The Green Goblin backed away from the fight, jumping down the ledge to get to her drone. Holland groaned internally as she now had to get her off of the stupid thing again. "I distance myself to not only protect me, but others as well. My mom doesn't like the fact I'm shut off but, I have my reasons to be, and I' allowed to not tell my mom anything, right?"

Holland climbed up the wall, watching as the Green Goblin was now back on her drone, flying back to her to continue the fight. As she was crawling she felt herself get sucked into the wall, which was odd since that physically can't happen. "But one day as I was fighting the Green Goblin, a random portal opened and it was weird." Half of Hollands body was now within this weird thing.

As she tried her hardest to keep herself there and to continue the fight, it just wasn't enough as the web snapped and she was put within the the portal. "And when I say weird, I mean really weird." As she floated through this thing, being dragged to wherever, it seemed as though she was in space.

What was weird was that she kept hearing voices in her head, as if someone was trying to communicate with her, her head pounding because of it but it stopped once she found herself hurdling towards the ground. "I was blown into two weeks ago, sadly." Holland lifted her hand, her web coming out and connecting to the nearest building.

She swung herself to it, crashing into the wall that allowed people to get onto the roof. She crashed because of the speed she was going at. "I landed in New York, but the strange thing was, it wasn't my New York." Holland moved towards the edge of the building, watching as a video tape on a large screen showed Spider Man saving people. "My Spider Sense told me to go to Visions Academy and so, that's what I did." Holland then went to the other side of the building, finding somewhere to lay low.

Little did she know, that this was going to find a girl way out of her league.

A.N: alright, let me know how i did as this is my second story and my first one i feel was crap so im really putting effort into this one.

N: alright, let me know how i did as this is my second story and my first one i feel was crap so im really putting effort into this one

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here is what your outfit looks like. as in my disclaimer before, i hand drew everything (the colours, shadows, etc) besides the outline

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