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"It's Holland, not Hollie

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"It's Holland, not Hollie. That might have been the worst
name I've ever come up with for myself."


THEY BOTH WATCHED AS someone sped past them, expertly swing from tree to tree in one motion. Once this Spider-Woman was high enough, she let herself free fall, watching Doc Ock come at her with blade but she reacted fast enough to web each tentacle before punching her in the face, spinning off of the ground and hitting her again, the box going flying in the air.

Holland moved to the top a a tree, covered by the leaves but she was able to watch the fight. She watched as this Spider-Woman then caught the box, swinging over to the two boys who were still watching in shock.

Once she landed, she walked on the branch to be in front of them, taking off her mask. Once she did, Holland gasped lightly as she stared at the familiar face of the girl she had become some-what friends with. "Hey, guys." She said, happily.

"Gwanda?" Miles questioned.

Holland slowly made her way down the tree, still staying out of sight. "It's Gwen, actually." Wanda- Gwen stated.

Peter glanced between the two. "Oh, you know her. Very cool." Peter said, smirking under his mask.

Gwen ignored Peter. "I'm from another dimension. I mean, another-another dimension." Gwen smiled, the smile warming Hollands heart slightly.

"ALL RIGHT, PEOPLE. LET'S START AT THE BEGINNING ONE LAST TIME." Gwen leaped off of a building. "My name is Gwen Stacy. I was bitten by a radioactive spider. And for the last two years, I've been the one and only Spider-Woman. You guys know the rest. I joined a band." Gwen played the drums in her room.

"Saved my dad." Gwen hit the lizard creature in the face, watching as it transformed into a human—a human who was her best friend. "I couldn't save my best friend, Peter Parker, so now I save everyone else. And I don't do friends anymore, just to avoid any distractions."

Gwen was moving away from explosions thrown at her before landing on the wall. As she was climbing it, a portal formed under her hand. "And one day this weird thing happened. And I mean, like, really weird. I was blown into last week." Gwen was now falling towards the ground.

She swung on a lamp post before swing herself to a building, sliding across the top of the building from the speed she was going. "Literally. I landed in New York, but not my New York." Gwen walked to the edge of the building, watching the screen about Spider-Man.

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