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"If I glitch one more time, I'm gonna become an evil spider villain, I swear

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"If I glitch one more time, I'm gonna become
an evil spider villain, I swear."


HOLLAND WALKED TOWARDS THE THREE IN FRONT OF HER, looking at all of the new spider people. "Do you remember how you get here?" She questioned, crossing her arms over her chest after putting stray strands of hair behind her ear.

Spider-Noir look at her. "Well, it's kind of a long story." He responded. He explained how a portal opened up and he was dragged into this universe. Holland looked at him with an 'are you serious' face as he explained. "Maybe not that long." He said sheepishly.

"And now we're just trying to find a way home." Peni stated, her robot making sad peeping noises. Who knew robots had feelings.

Spider-Noir then spoke up again. "The only way home is back through that collider gizmo. The only trouble is-"

Porker interrupted, Spider-Noir looking back at him. "One of us has to stay behind and destroy it." He stated.

"I'll do it." Holland, Gwen, Peni, Spider-Noir and Porker all said at the same time. Peter said nothing.

Miles then spoke up when he heard them say that, gaining their attention. "No, no, no. You guys don't get it." Miles looked at each person in the room who said they'll do it.

"Don't get what?" Peni said but spoke too soon.

Now they were all glitching and falling to the ground in pain. Holland held onto her stomach, curled into a ball onto the ground as she waited for the pain to subside. Everyone let out loud groans from the amount of pain they were in.

Once the glitching was over, they all let out a breathe of relief. "If I glitch one more time, I'm gonna become an evil spider villain, I swear." Holland commented as she started lifting herself up so she could sit on the ground instead of laying on it, stilling holding her stomach.

Miles and May were the only ones not affected. "None of you can stay here. If you stay here, you'll die. I'm the guy who's gonna turn it off. And I'm gonna get you all home before I do. Look, I made a promise. So I have to keep it." Miles spoke out, seedling like a leader promising good fortune to his army.

Holland looked over at Gwen, she glanced at her before back up at Miles. "Who are you again?" Spider-Noir questioned, generally confused why he was here.

Peter held his arm in pain. "This is Miles. And he's gonna save the multiverse." Peter backed him up. He hated to admit it, but he had grown a liking to Miles.

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