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"Why are you so sweaty?"

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"Why are you so sweaty?"


MILES WENT TO BED THAT NIGHT, feeling normal but the strange thing was, he also felt restless. His alarm started going off, telling him to wake up.

Miles pressed the alarm, turning off the beeping and getting out of bed to put on his pants that were on the floor. When he pull then up, they felt smaller or he just magically grew over night. "That's weird." Miles thought. "My pants shrank." He continue thinking. Miles then let out a soft gasp. "I think I hit puberty." He said out loud.

This caused his roommate to stop what he was doing on the computer, Miles awkwardly looking at him. His roommate then continued working, acting as if nothing happened.

Miles was now walking through the school hallways, trying to keep his pants down. "I gotta get new pants." He thought. "Wait. Why is the voice in my head so loud?" He thought again. "What?" He softly said out loud.

THE NEXT MORNING, Holland had woken up from abruptly glitching around and in pain. This was the first time that it's happened since she has been in this new dimension.

She breathed out in relief when the glitching and pain stopped, finally allowing her to get ready for the day. She questioned if she would glitch anymore but the thought left her mind.

Once she was ready, she made her way down the steps and through the hall ways to her locker, once she got there, she put some of her books away that she won't need and grabbed the books she did need.

When she was done, she shut her locker, walking back to the atrium. As Holland was looking down at her phone, she didn't see she was about to walk into someone and to say she was embarrassed when she did was an understatement. "Oh my god, I am so sorry." She apologized.

When she looked up, she saw she had crashed into the girl from yesterday who asked her if everything was okay. The girl lightly rubbed her shoulder since Hollands shoulder smashed into hers. The girl smiled, looking at her. "It's okay, I wasn't paying attention." The girl took the blame.

"No, no, it was me, I was too focused on my phone to realize where I was going." Holland responded, knowing full well she crashed into her.

The girl was about to respond but stopped when someone collided into Hollands back, causing her to take a step forward and turn around, now standing next to the girl. "Whoa! Are you okay?" Holland questioned, now seeing it was the Morales kid.

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