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"What is he doing..?"


THE ROOM WAS NOW DARK, the Goblin now dead. Miles got up from the wreckage before walking around and finding the Goblins non-moving hand but as the dust cleared, he saw Spider-Man half covered in rubble.

Miles gasped before sprinting over to Spider-Man, leaning down to his level. "Hey! Are you okay?" Miles questioned.

Spider-Man looked over at Miles. "I'm fine, I'm fine. I'm just resting." Spider-Man replied.

"Can't you get up?" Miles questioned, looking at the rubble on him.

"Yeah." Spider-Man then chuckled. "Yeah, I always get up." Spider-Man tiredly responded before coughing. "The coughing's probably not a good sign." Spider-Man whispered.

A shiver went down Miles' spine as he heard Kingpin speak. "Find him. Now." Kingpins voice calls out.

Spider-Man then gained Miles attention by gently grabbing his arm. "Listen, we gotta team up here. We don't have that much time." He handed Miles the override key. "This override key is the only way to stop the collider. Swing up there, use this key, push the button and blow it up. You need to hide your face. You don't tell anyone who you are. No one can know. He's got everyone in his pocket."

"What?" Miles questioned, confused with the information that was being thrown at him.

Spider-Man continued anyway, ignoring the confused teenager. "If he turns the machine on again, everything you know will disappear. Your family, everyone. Everyone. Promise me you'll do this." Spider-Man pleaded, looking Miles dead in the eyes.

Miles took a moment to answer as he thought about what to say, a few seconds later, her looked up at him. "I promise." He promised.

Spider-Man felt relief wash over him. "Go. Destroy the collider. I'll come and find you." Spider-Man said, coughing afterwards. Miles got up and started running but paused when he started coughing. He paused and looked at Spider-Man. "It's gonna be okay." He reassured, watching Miles turn back around and climb the debris.

Miles lets out a sigh as he looked up at the small green thing shining at the top of the room. "Tombstone. We're done with tests. Get that thing ready to go again. And soon." Miles hid as soon as he heard Kingpins voice. Kingpin then walked towards Spider-Man. "I'd say it's nice to see you again, Spider-Man, but it's not." He said.

"Hey, Kingpin. How's business?" Spider-Man sarcastically asked.

"Boomin'." Kingpin laughs, joking.

He then took of Spider-Man mask. "Nice. Aw, that's a no-no." Kingpin then chuckled. "This might open a black hole under Brooklyn." Spider-Man tried to reason with Kingpin, let him see why this was dangerous. "It can't be worth the risk." Spider-Man emphasised.

"It's not always about the money, Spider-Man." Kingpin stated. The Prowler then walked up besides Kingpin, his hand turning into sharp claws as he stalked towards Peter, having an order to kill him.

Peter glanced at the Prowler. "Don't you wanna know what I saw in there?" Peter exclaimed, looking back at Kingpin.

Kingpin then spoke up. "Wait." Kingpin ordered.

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