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"Everybody knows that the best way to
learn is under intense life-threatening pressure."


HOLLAND WOKE UP, stretching as she did so but stopped as she glitched violently. It luckily didn't last long so she didn't feel the need to cry out in pain. As she climbed to the stairs of the top bunk, she saw Wanda still asleep.

She grabbed a note from her desk, grabbing a pen with her left hand and started writing; 'Thanks for letting me stay the night. - H'. She then grabbed the note and placed it on her bedside table before making her way to her dorm.

Once she made it without getting caught, she put her suit on. She came to Visions Academy for a reason, and she thinks shes here because of one kid, so she was going to figure out why.

She found who she was looking for but saw he wasn't alone. inside a diner, talking. Holland watched them leave once they were done and get inside a bus. She couldn't quite get a good look at the other guy but she could only assume he was a Spider-Man from a different dimension.

She quickly swung from tree to tree before silently hopping on top of the bus. The bus started moving until it got to a place in the middle of the woods. Holland waited for them to get out before swinging to a tree, staying high and out of sight as she followed them.

MEANWHILE, THIS IS WHAT THEY WERE TALKING ABOUT IN THE DINER. "Mmm. I love this burger." Peter commented at Miles. Both of them sat in a diner.

Peter wanted a burger for breakfast—which Miles found gross—but went with him to get one anyway. "So delicious. One of the best burgers I've ever had." Miles just watched Peter, drinking his drink. "In my universe, this place closed six years ago. I don't know why. I really don't. Mmm." Peter explained.

The waiter then came by and placed down the amount the food was, the waiter leaving. Peter looked at it before back to Miles. "You have money, right? I'm not very liquid right now." Peter stated, licking his fingers.

"Can we focus?" Miles questioned, wanting to stay on topic.

"Mm-hm. Sure." Peter answered, eating a chip.

"The other Peter-" Miles got cut off.

"You gonna eat that?" Peter questioned, taking Miles' burger. Miles stared at Peter. "I'm listening." Peter said, watching Miles' annoyed expression.

Miles sighed but continued anyway. "The other Peter said he was gonna be showing me the ropes." Miles explained.

"Wow." Peter said, shoving the whole burger in his mouth.

"You got any Spider-Man tips you can tell me now?" Miles questioned.

Peter licked his fingers. "Yeah, I got plenty. Disinfect the mask. You're gonna wanna use baby powder in the suit, heavy on the joints. You don't want any chafing, right?" Peter explained how to clean a suit.

Miles stared at him in disbelief but just rolled with it. "Anything else?" Miles questioned.

"Nope, that was everything." Peter responded.

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