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"See ya, Miles

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"See ya, Miles."


OLIVIA KNOCKED PENI AND HER ROBOT OUT OF THE HOUSE, following her. However, Scorpion was now attacking Holland and Gwen and had punched them through the roof.

They both landed safely but looked up as their Spider Sense went off. The immediately jumped backwards to avoid getting hit by Scorpion but as they jumped from roof to roof, he would just follow.

Gwen jumped into the air doing a backflip before landing while Holland jumped onto the next roof, doing a somersault afterwards to make her fall less harsh. Once they stood next to each other on the roof, the both thought of the same idea as they jumped up and kicked Scorpion in face, causing him to crash into the roof under him.

Holland landed in the famous Spider-Man position while Gwen landed gracefully on her feet.

Meanwhile with Miles, he was still inside the house, keeping away from the fight but as he turned around, the Prowler walked in, causing his breathing to quicken. Prowler went to attack but Miles dodged and fell to the floor.

The Prowler crashed into the kitchen but came running back, going to stomp on Miles but Miles once again, dodged the attack and rolled away, webbing onto the wall before back to the ground. "Give me that thing." The Prowler demanded in a deep voice, still trying to catch Miles.

Miles then ran into the kitchen, hiding behind the small dining table. "Don't be stupid, kid. Hand it over, now!" The Prowler demanded once again, pushing the table into Miles up against the wall to hold him in place.

The action caused Miles to drop the goober but he quickly grabbed it before the Prowler could. The Prowler went to reach for it, giving Miles time to go under the table and forcefully push him away and into the wall.

Miles ran past the Prowler, barely dodging the clawed attack from the Prowler, the clawed attack went into the wall instead. Miles then turned around the corner, running up the stairs but the Prowler grabbed Miles ankle, pulling him down.

Miles grunted as he hit the stairs beneath him before continuously kicking him so he could run away. Miles then sent a hard blow towards the Prowlers chest, buying him time to quickly run up the stairs.

As Miles reached the roof, he hurriedly gripped the roof panels, climbing up it. But as Miles stood, the Prowler jumped through the roof, breaking it before flying towards Miles and holding him by his neck.

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