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"I guess this is goodbye

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"I guess this is goodbye."


PETER WAS THE FIRST ONE TO GET OFF THE BUS, then Gwen, Holland, Spider-Noir and Porker. Peni had been in her robot, on top of the bus since her robot couldn't fit in the bus.

They all swung up to the top of a crane that luckily over looked Fisk Tower. Spider-Noir landed first, then Holland. He walked up to her and knelt down, Holland following this actions. Gwen landed next to her, then Peter, then Peni and Porker went in between Spider-Noir and Holland.

"Kingpin has a private elevator entrance from his penthouse to the collider below." Peni explained, shining a red totally non-obvious light showing where the elevator was—it was very obvious.

Once they all looked down to the front of Fisk Tower, they saw a whole bunch of people waiting behind tape—taking photos—as people got out of cars. "Didn't count on having an audience." Spider-Noir commented.

"Nothing goes according to plan, Noir." Holland commented before jumping off of the crane and swinging to the top of Fisk Tower. Once she landed, she looked inside.

They all copied her actions and swung to the tower. Gwen jumped off of a near by pole as she had swung to fast before landing next to Holland who was observing the inside carefully, the eyes on her mask were even narrowed—meaning she was concentrated.

Peter was on her right, Porker next to Peter. On her left, Gwen, then Spider-Noir, then Peni. All of their eyes went wide as they saw the amount of people inside—including some of the people they had fought at Aunt May's.

"You gotta be kidding me." They all said at the same time.

All their attention focused on Kingpin as he started making his speech. Him speaking into the microphone was so loud, they could hear it from outside. "Thank you. It's nice to be with you this evening to celebrate Spider-Man. He and I were very close." Kingpin lied, smiling while doing so.

Everyone narrowed their eyes at Kingpin, disgusted with the way he spoke about Spider-Man like he was his friend. "What a pig." Gwen commented.

Porker glared at Gwen. "I'm right here." Holland, Gwen and Peter looked at Porker.

They then looked back inside the building once Noir started speaking. "Hold on. Get a load of how the waiters are dressed. It's in poor taste, but... It can't be that easy." Noir commented, Holland, Gwen and Peter looked at Noir who looked at them before back inside.

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