Chapter 24- Death was born as a boy

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As the night wore on and the joyous celebration reached its peak, I couldn't help but feel a subtle tightening in my abdomen. At first, I dismissed it as a result of the excitement and the whirlwind of emotions coursing through my body.

But as the contractions grew stronger and more frequent, I knew that something terrifying was happening within me. The rhythm of the music seemed to sync with the rhythm of my body, as if giving me strength and guiding me through each wave of sensation.

I clung onto Letum's hand for support, feeling his love and encouragement radiating from his touch. With every contraction, he whispered words of reassurance.

Amidst the laughter and merriment surrounding us, I found solace in breathing deeply and focusing on the immense power within me. Each surge brought me closer to meeting our little miracle, and I embraced the pain.

Time seemed to both stand still and rush forward, as my body and soul united in the extraordinary dance of birth. The ballroom became a sanctuary, filled with love and anticipation, as everyone around us sensed the sacredness of the moment unfolding.

With Letum by my side, I surrendered to the waves of contractions, trusting that my body knew exactly what to do. And as my strength and determination grew, so did the presence of new life within me.

In the midst of the revelry and the whirlwind of emotions, I found an unparalleled sense of empowerment. Each contraction brought me closer to the disgrace I hated.

And as the sun peeked through the windows, casting a gentle glow upon us, I welcomed the dawn of a new chapter, knowing that the magic of this night would always be intertwined with the birth of the disgusting child.

I felt a sharp pang of pain rush through my body as the baby shifted within me, and the contractions began building in intensity. Letum quickly scooped me up in his arms and rushed me away from the ballroom and into a private chamber. He apologized profusely for not getting me out sooner. The pain was unbearable and I knew that it wouldn't be long now until I welcomed my little one into the world.

Every wave of pain was met with Letum's compassionate touch as he reassured me that everything was going to be alright and that soon I'd be holding my little one in my arms. I had to trust him and focus on the moment that was ahead as I tried to push the fear of the unknown away.

The pain intensified yet again and I knew then that my baby was close. Once more, I felt pain even more intense than most before it and then suddenly it was gone and I heard the distinct sound of a baby crying. Though I was exhausted, my heart was suddenly filled with fear and I eagerly called to Letum for him to see the little demon  for the first time.

To my great surprise, my little one had silver hair! Letum kicked the child as it cried on  the cold floor. As soon as the baby was born, it was left cold and wet on the hard floor, and all of the attention went to me.

The moment was a horrible one, and one that I knew I'd never forget. I'd spent the past nine months preparing for this very moment and it had all culminated in this very moment where I looked at the baby in disgust.

"Don't touch it." Letum commanded me, his voice growling with anger to the child. He hugged me and kept me company, feeling sorry and angry for the pain the child caused me.

"I love you, darling, I really do, but, could I please rest for now?"

"Of cours my love," he said planting a kiss on my lips, before leaving me like I had asked.

When I was sure that he had left, I stood up and walked to the child laying on the floor, with bruises on his tiny body. I carefully scooped him up in my arms, causing his crying to be replaced with a laugh.

My heart warmed a bit. This whole time I had been more focused on the half of the child that was Miles, and not the half that was mine.

I cradled his small cold body to my chest. He hadn't eaten, had he? And no doubt, I hated this child less, i still refused to breastfeed. I took the baby I'm my arms, and snuck into the stables.

As I stepped into the stables, a sense of tranquility washed over me. The soft glow of the moon spilled through the small gaps in the wooden panels, creating intricate patterns of shadows on the hay-covered floor. The air was filled with the earthy scent of straw and the gentle rustling of the animals settling down for the night.

With utmost care, I secured a stool and placed it next to the cute brown cow. The milking bucket, worn with years of use, awaited its purpose in my hands. It seemed to carry the echoes of countless nights spent in this ritual of nurturing love.

My fingers, familiar with the task at hand, found their place beneath the cows warm, swollen udder. The sensation of her supple skin against my palms brought a sense of comfort and familiarity. As I began to gently squeeze, warm streams of milk flowed into the bucket with a soothing rhythm.

The moon, casting its ethereal glow upon us, created a delicate play of light and shadow. It painted Amity's powerful frame with a shimmering radiance, emphasizing the strength and grace in her every movement. I watched in awe as the milk cascaded into the bucket, a liquid embodiment of love and sustenance.

With reverence and gratitude, I withdrew the bucket from beneath the cows udder, marveling at the weight it carried. Each drop of milk held the promise of sustenance and life, a testament to the abundance of nature's gifts. I turned towards the animal, my heart overflowing with love and appreciation.

Leaving the stables with the bountiful bucket of milk, I walked under the gentle glow of the moon, its light guiding my path. The stillness of the night enveloped me, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder in the presence of such timeless beauty.

I fed the baby the milk, to which he gratefully took. And even after the seemingly intimate moment, I still despised the child, and harbored no love for it at all.  I laid in on the hay and left it in the barn, and went back to my room.

As I lay in my cozy bed, surrounded by the comfort of soft straw and the rhythmic sounds of the night, tears welled up in my eyes. The weight the day's events and emotions pressed heavily upon me, threatening to consume my weary heart. With each solitary teardrop that escaped, a cascade of sorrow washed over me, leaving me feeling fragile and vulnerable.

Amidst the darkness, I found comfort in my tears, allowing them to carry my pain and worries away. They were not tears of weakness, but rather a release, a way for me to honor the depths of my emotions and life's complexities. The soft murmur of my sobs mingled with the hushed breath of the night, a gentle melody of my vulnerability.

As the moonlight filtered through the window, casting a soft glow upon my tear-stained face, I felt a profound sense of loneliness. The weight of my existence, the responsibilities I carried, became a burden too heavy to bear alone. In that moment, I yearned for someone to hold me, to understand the anguish that lay hidden beneath my stoic exterior.

The sobs gradually subsided into ragged breaths as exhaustion took hold, and sleep beckoned me with its beckoning embrace. I closed my eyes, each blink a silent prayer for serenity and peace. In the darkness of my dreams, I sought refuge, hoping to find respite from the turbulence of my emotions.

As slumber enveloped me, my tears were replaced by a tranquil stillness. The rhythmic rise and fall of my chest mirrored the ebb and flow of my emotions, like waves gently caressing a distant shore.

I would like to thank Sofia74Sofia for inspiring me always :)

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