Chapter 8- The Fae

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    I opened my eyes, and I saw a man with tan skin and white marks all over the surface of his skin. They looked almost identical to the ones that showed up on me, on the night of the Blood Moon Sacrifice.

"What the fuck?!?" I exclaimed, digging my foot into the ground. Currently, I stood in a large forest, with glowing vines and strange creatures roaming the land.

"Shhh~ Calm down Amity dear." His voice came out like a soothing lullaby. The nature of his voice matched the ethereal nature of his face. He had medium-length white hair, that shone like snow on a winter day. His eyes were deep and blue, and they pierced right through me.

"Where am I? I hope you know that I've been through one traumatic event after another this week, so this better be reeally important." I huffed, growing agitated.

"Haha~ Of course my dear. I'll put it simply- oh, but before I just ask you a question." He grabbed my arm, pushing me down so that I was seated in his lap.

I couldn't help but notice the growing bulge in his pants, poking me right in the crotch, causing a growing sensation-

Oh god I hope he didn't notice.

"Are you aware of mates? For us fae it is very rare to come across our perfect match. Our one true love. Our mated one."

"Of course I am- don't take me for a fool, erm.." I paused realizing I didn't know the strangely seductive strangers name.

" It's Miles, doll face" he laughed at my unknowing gaze.

"Well then it should be simple for you to understand, you are my mate" it seemed like a joke, so I waited for Miles  to laugh, but his laugh never did come.

We sat in silence for several moments, until Miles  spoke up. "Awh come on! Surely you can't be that disappointed! Besides you only ever knew that pathetic 'King' for four of your conscience days there."He was right about that, but something about his playful manor scared me a bit. High King Letum seemed to me to be more serious. By far.
"You ought to be mistaken," I said trying to ignore the tingling in my legs. Almost a painful kind of tingle.

"Of course not! You jest quite poorly, assuming I wouldn't be able to tell my very own mate. Even if many other men desire your company, you are mine~"  a feline like smirk covered his face.

"Is there not any way we can tell for certain?" I asked, but as soon as the words left my lips, a smile appeared on his lips.

"Ah, I was hoping you'd ask. All you have to do is follow my instructions little lamb~"

I nodded my head, and even though I was confused, I was willing to follow his commands, if it could confirm this.. idea..?

"Lay down and open your eyes nice and wide, understand?" He said smiling at me as I lay on the ground and widened my eyes confused.

"Perfect.." he said, practically devouring me with his eyes.

Stupidly I didn't quite seem to understand what would shortly happen.

His nail suddenly grew into a long sharp stabbing device with metal flakes covering the surface.

"We just me-" I voiced, but Miles  put his finger over my mouth.

"No my little one, we've been mates for all our lives and our past lives" Miles laughed, slowly sinking to his knees.

And in one swift movement, his nail shoved into my eye causing my mark to glow in vibrant colors matching his. Blood dripped down my cheeks and stained my satin white dress.

"Ahh!" I screamed out in horror and pain trying to shove the beautiful man away from me. Something within me called to him as his nail slowly removed itself from the flesh of my eyeball. Throbbing pain vanished in seconds and my eye felt as good as it always had, the moment he was out of me.

"Proof enough for you, little lamb?" He  said panting a little bit between the words.

"... I suppose... you sick bastard.." I blurted out,  fixating my vision on the floor.
It all happened so quickly.

"We have to seal the bond, and I'm afraid there's.. somebody we have to pay a visit to on our journey." He seemed  eerily excited at the mention of paying the 'someone' in question a visit. 

"I promise I won't let his filthy hands come anywhere near you, lest his dead body lay under my feet." He was more serious than he'd been the whole day that I'd known him. I knew he was speaking of Letum.

"Come! I've spotted her and a fae male!!"  A voice shouted from the bushes.

Just then, thousands of soldiers from King Letum's forces were ushered to me from the leading commander.

"Oh would you look at that Amity? They think they can take you from me! Ha!" 

I knew about being confident but.. this was just ignorant! There was only two of us and thousands of them!

Just now, Lucis rose in the air. His face.. it looked so.. different.. so powerful?

"Begone." He said. And with that, the thousands of men drop dead. Except one.  The High King.

"How painfully dull," Miles  exclaimed, releasing a  sigh. "Ahhh an old friend to play with? Hah!"

"It would be wise to give me back my bride, Miles ." High King Letum says, stepping on the bodies of his men.. so then... "cheating isn't very becoming,"

"You knew they'd be killed?!" My voice carried, as loud as I could.

"Why of course, I would expect nothing less from Miles , the giver of life and death." He spared me a pitiful glance, and for a moment, I swear I could see empathy on his face.

The giver of life and death? What could that possibly mean?

"Don't talk to her, you vampire scum!" Miles exclaims.

And just like that, the whole ground around me was set ablaze, and I was consumed by the feeling of terror.

I watched as the bodies quickly turned to heaps of ash on the ground.

And just when all I could see was burning fire, Miles  hauled me over his shoulder and flew off.

"Is he dead?"

"Not yet, little one ~"  he seemed unsure, as if maybe he couldn't defeat the King.

"Just rest your eyes, it'll be a while until we reach the camps"

Listening to his advice, I wrapped my arms around him and shut my eyes.


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