Chapter 14-Summer Solstice

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I woke up and did my daily tasks, and by the time the summer solstice had begun, Miles was still yet to return.

I put my chiffon and silk gown on for the solstice. Gloves and masks were on, and I was ready.

Alice and I had already arranged to meet each other at the music in about an hour.

I'm too excited to wait so why not go now? Besides, the sun already set. I made it, and to say the least, I was shocked. My mouth hung open in awe as I took in the beautiful lights and the exciting music. I danced around for a bit and sampled some fae food.

It was dark out and the stars seemed to dance in the sky along with me.

The cold breeze caressed my skin, and I was completely caught in the song. A warm hand snaked its way down my waist, carefully and strongly, like it did not intend to release me from its grasp.

"Mile-" I began, turning to face him. No- what is he doing here? "I've come for you, Amity." High Lord Letum returned.

"It seems to me that you are unaware of many things, and I fully intend for you to become aware of them." His handsome smile taunted me, and the skies began to pour silver sheets of cold rain.

" I'm sure you do, but I have no intention to become your little human bride." I snapped back equally as fierce.

"Amity, I was in no good position in the past. And I am truly sorry for what I am about to do."

His hands glided all the way back up to my face, and my vision faded out as I quickly lost consciousness.

✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣
High King Letum POV:

Finally, after so long, I held her in my arms. Even if she didn't want to be here.

My plan would have to work quickly, and if there was any chance of this working, she would have to believe me. It would only be a matter of time before Miles came to get what he thought belonged to him.

I feel her body beginning to move in my arms as I rest her on a long sofa in my chambers.

✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣
Amity POV:

My consciousness returned to me, and I felt soft cushions underneath my back. My gaze shot around the room until it finally landed on King Letum and his seductive facial features.

He bent over my laying body as soon as I showed any signs that I was awake. His long red hair brushed against my cheek, causing me to laugh from my sensitivity.

"Good- you're awake," he stated releasing a haughty sigh.
"Come in Esmere," he shouted facing towards the large doors.

Confusion must have adorned my face as a tall woman with dimmed blonde hair stepped into the room tapping her feet against the hardwood floor in anxiety. As soon as the woman's gaze met my own, tears brimmed in the corners of her eyes. 
"My sweet Amity," She cried out, not daring a step closer to my resting body. "Who is this woman..." I mumbled out loud, to no one in particular. "Im your...mother." At that moment, as soon as the words left her cherry-red lips, it felt like my world went crashing down and burned to nothing but a pile of rubble. "Why are you here.. why now of fall times? You couldn't show up for one single birthday, but now you decide to come back to me?"  My voice carried louder than I intended. The silence that followed my declaration was too much to bare- it's all just too much, but I won't give up. Especially now that... I'm pregnant. I don't want the child growing inside of my womb, but there is truly nothing I can do. "I- 'm sorry..." She managed to choke out through her violent and unruly sobs. "why is she here," I demanded, now bringing my undisturbed attention to high King Letum. "Well, there are simply some things I cannot tell you..." he took a steadying breath, " But she can." He continued.

I switched my attention from the high king to my newly found 'mother'. " Speak." I gently commanded caressing the parasite slowly growing in my stomach.
"Miles isn't fae- And he's not your mate," she spoke quickly, as if I would be gone in the next second to come.


"He's a demon. He doesn't harbor any feelings of love for you, only hate..."

" It all started several thousand years ago.. before any of us were born into this wretched world. Though I don't know what exactly happened, High King Letum was there. Though I am told he cannot speak of this until certain conditions are met. Anyways, 'Miles" is after your soul, so it will kill King Letum, lord of all the vampires. I- I can speak no longer!" She broke her sentence off, grabbing her throat in pain. Black liquid began to pour out from her mouth, and onto the wooden floors, staining it all a charcoal black. "You- never told me, high king.." She spat out her last words, before shadowy darkness consumed her alive in a black burning fire.

"She's gone"

Red hot tears poured down my face. My mother. I never had the chance to even ask her why she left me. Why she left all of us? I don't love her, and even though I never met her, I felt the hole she left in my heart. Why was Letum even involving my mother in this?

"What the fuck just happened!!" I yelled, throwing a plush red pillow straight at Letums prettily polished face.

"I'm sorry.." He said, looking down to the ground, refusing eye contact.

"there was no other way. I know what you're thinking. She wouldn't have come back to you, that I know." He said it so surely, that I had no other choice than to believe him.

"Is what she said true?"

"Yes... I'm sorry. It's not too late, Amity."

He stood up, and lifted me from my sitting position, and engulfed me with a warm embrace. It was the first time someone had touched me so tenderly.

"thank you.." I said as he squeezed me tighter.

"I know you probably want to be alone, so ill leave." His voice sounded rather dejected.

"Wait-!" I grabbed out for his arm and pulled him back...
A bright blush decorated my face.
"Can you please stay.?" I waited.

He didn't say anything in response, except for a bashful smile. His body warmed me as he hugged me, in silence, as we both looked at the mess mere inches away from us.

Why does stuff like this only happen to me?
°•ɷ•° ... °•ɷ•° ... °•ɷ•°

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