001- far way from home.

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4:00 Am Michigan,Detroit

"Hey y/n are you all packed!?" Your mom called from downstairs.

Meanwhile you were laying on the floor, clothes everywhere, trying not to fall asleep.

"God why does moving have to be this early in the morning.", you thought.

"Y/n hurry up we have to get on the road!!" Your mom yelled once again

You knew if you didn't get up soon she was gonna come up her and drag your ass down the stairs.

" I'm coming ma!" You called, putting all your clothes in your suitcase and grabbing the few bags you had left.

You walked downstairs, hair messy, headphones half on, with a hoodie and some sweats.

"Took you long enough, now come on you can save the sleeping for the car ride. We have a long way to go."

She said grabbing the bags from you and putting them in the trunk.

You put your suitcase in the backseat then sitting in the front.

"Well this is it , we're finally outta here. How ya feel?" She said turning on the car.

To be honest you didn't know how you felt and honestly you couldn't tell if it was because you were jet lagged or just didn't know what to say.

You knew it was good that you and your mom were finally away from your dad after all the things he put you both through.He would get drunk and violent and eventually your mom couldn't handle it anymore so she filed a divorce and kicked him out.

"I'm happy, ma." You said smiling at her then putting your headphones on hoping you could get some shut eye.

2:09 PM Brooklyn, New York

"Get out the street asshole!"

You stirred in your sleep hearing screaming and a lot of honking.

"Just got here and I already hate this damn traffic..."

You heard more fussing and eventually woke up, eyes slowly opening to a lot of buildings,people, and cars.

"Oh sorry sweetie, didn't mean to wake you, but uh hey, we made it at least!" Your mom said as she parked the car in front of a apartment building.

"Yeah, guess we did" you say rubbing the sleep away getting out the car.

You grabbed your suitcase from out the backseat and yours bags from the trunk.

As you were walking to go in the building you see your mom talking to some lady who you assumed lived here.

She had long dark brown hair in a side braid, and tanned skin, she was wearing hospital scrubs so you guessed she must work there.

"Yes, yes the complex is pretty peaceful for the most part y'know and- oh! Is this your kid?" The women turned to you with a smile.

" Ah yes, this is y/n, y/n this is Mrs.Morales shes are neighbor." Your mom turned to you.

" Nice to meet you Mrs.Morales." You said smiling

" oh just call me Rio, mija." She said, then looking at you realizing you were struggling to carry the bags upstairs.

"Mija, you don't need to carry all that, I'll get my son miles to come help you."

Before you could protest she already had screamed for the boy to come out.


The lady had called her son saying something at the end you couldn't understand.

All of a sudden a boy had came out. he was brown skinned, with a densely coiled Afro and a line-up, pretty tall, and wearing a white tee and sweats.

"Mijo, come help y/n with their bags. Y/n and their mom are our new neighbors ." She said smiling while grabbing her sons headphones off his neck.

"I'll help get the rest of your things from the car m/n." Your mom and Rio went back downstairs to the car leaving you with her son.

"Uh hi, I'm miles." The boy then said catching your attention after you had zoned out for a second.

"I'm y/n, I'd shake your hand but their full at the moment." You chuckled, peaking your head from behind the big bags you were holding.

"Oh, uh, right! Sorry.." he said grabbing the bags from your hand with a derpy smile.

You both then walking into your new apartment. It wasn't huge but it had a upstairs with two rooms and one bathroom, as well as a pretty big living room and kitchen.

" oh you can just put those on the floor, thanks." You said.

"So uh, where'd you move from?" The boy asked placing the bags gently on the floor

"Michigan, it was pretty boring there though." You said sitting on the kitchen island chair,patting the one next to you for him to sit.

" Wow Michigan is definitely far from New York. What made you guys wanna move here?" He said sitting down looking at you in curiosity.

"Well to sugarcoat it, my parents had a divorce and my mom figured moving would be a good way to get a fresh start." You said playing with the skin on the side of your nails.

" oh, I'm sorry about that.." miles said looking at you, his smile now gone.

" Don't worry about it though, I'm actually glad we moved. My dad was an asshole to us both,so I don't blame my mom for wanting to move." You said looking at miles.

"Besides, Brooklyn seems pretty cool and I've already met someone pretty cool as well." You said nudging miles shoulder slightly trying to lighten the mood.

" Yeah well I am pretty cool, it just can't be helped." He said getting cocky with a dumb smirk on his face

"Don't get ahead of yourself now buddy." Standing up and walking to your now new room.

"Hey,what do you mean!" He said following them up the stairs.


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