002-so much to see.

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                     1:00 PM Brooklyn, New York

It's the first full day of you living in Brooklyn and to be honest, it hasn't been the worst. You'd made a new friend who was also your neighbor and he was pretty cute you can't lie.

Rio had invited you and your mom to have dinner with them tonight and of course your mom said yes, plus she was making tamales so who could say no?

You were putting posters up and your other decorations in your room while blasting music and just dancing around.

What you didn't know is that a certain boy was watching you.

All of a sudden you hear a knock on your window, so you turn your music down and to your surprise, it was Miles!


You opened your window looking at the boy embarrassed.

" Somebody's having a good time in here huh?" Miles said as he stepped through your window with a grin on his face.

"There's a door for a reason y'know." You said dodging the question and continuing to put your posters up.

"I mean I could....but-"

He stopped midway to catch the poster that had fallen off the wall from the cheap scotch tape you used.

"What's the fun in that, also I tried that and nobody answered." He said handing you the poster.

"Well anyway, what did you magically climb through my window for?" You asked the boy, now having your full attention on him.

"Well since this is your first in Brooklyn I thought I'd show you around y'know, diviértete un poco." He said looking around your room.

Your just gonna pretend you understood that last part.

"Well as tempting as that sounds, I really gotta get all this stuff put up."  You said reaching over him to grab the tape.

"Oh come on y/n! You got all day to do that. It'll be fun, I promise." Miles said trying to convince you.

"Well unless you wanna help me put this stuff up, I'm not going anywhere mr.worldwide." You said still not facing him

He let out a sigh then grabbed the tape.

"Fine, if I help you out all these things up will you go out with me?" Miles said then deeply regretted the way he worded it.

You stopped what you were doing and turned towards him.

"I mean I don't know man, we've only known each other for a day snd your already asking me out?" You said dramatically

"You know what I meant." He said rolling his eyes then continuing to help.

                      2:30 PM Brooklyn, New York

" FINALLY WERE DONE! Thank God." The boy let out a long sigh plopping on your bed.

"Don't get too comfortable now, what happened to you "showing me Brooklyn". You said sitting on the end where his feet were.

"Oh, you actually wanted to go with me?" He said looking up at you hands crossed behind his head.

"I mean yeah, a deals a deal right?" You said pushing his legs off your bed.

"Now come on let's go before it gets dark." You said grabbing a jacket and putting your shoes on.

"Wait don't leave me!" He said catching up with you

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