010- what are we?

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                    10:30 PM Queens, New York

Prom was over and all of you were at the after party one of the Seniors decided to throw.

Prom was hectic, Malik bagged a girlfriend, there was awesome music played because of Ganke, Gwen became friends with some girl from one of your classes, and best of all you and Miles KISSED.

After you both pulled away from each other it wasn't really awkward it was more of a "I wish it would've lasted longer" feeling. After that you both just kept dancing and having a good time.

And now here you all are in a hot tub at some seniors party playing truth or dare...

"Alright Ganke, truth or dare!" Gwen said giving Ganke a grin.

"Uh, I'm saying truth just because of that expression your face..." He said scooting away from her a little bit.

"Your lame. Fine, Ganke is it true that you took steroids over the past couple years to get buff." Gwen said still grinning at the boy.

You and Miles were holding in your laughter while Malik and Taylor were actually thinking about the question.

"That's the stupidest thing you could've came up with but no, I haven't taken any steroids." Ganke said, giving Gwen a "bitch be for-real" face.

"Anyways, Taylor truth or dare?" Ganke said.

"Uhhhh, dare I guess." She said prepared for what she would have to do.

Ganke leans in and whispers something none of you heard, now growing suspicious.

"Ohh I can definitely do that." She said giving Malik a devious look.

She then grabbed the boy from on top of his head and dunked him in the water.

You all started laughing as Malik came back up hair all in his face with an angry look.

"GANKE, SERIOUSLY?!" Malik said now play fighting with Ganke.

"Pay back for spilling punch on me man." Ganke said laughing.

"I said I was sorry!" Malik said protesting.

After an hour had passed of playing the game with more dares and truths like Gwen having to jump in the cold pool or Miles having to take a shot of hot sauce everyone have got out of the hot tub except you and Miles.

What were you guys now? You had this question on your mind since you both kissed at prom. You knew you liked him, and hopefully he liked you as well.

"Will you go out with me-?"
"What are we now-?"

You both said things at the same time not even being able to understand the other.


You both said together again, at this point it was getting awkward.

"Well damn.." you said laughing.

"Okay, I'll go first.." miles said with a smile.

"Do you...wanna go out?" Miles said hoping in his head you would say yes.

"Never thought you'd ask." You said smiling.

You both then scooted closer in both eyeing each others lips. Just as you were about to kiss-

"MILES, Y/N WERE ABOUT TO PLAY JUST DANCE COME ON!" Taylor said not noticing what you guys were about to do.

You both look at her then back at each other.

"You have got to be kidding me."
"¡Maldita sea!" You both thought.

Miles wrapped you in a towel while his arm was around you as you both walked back inside.

As you both walked in everyone was talking, there were a lot of colorful lights going on and you could hear "The Color Violet by Tory Lanez" in the background.

In the living room you both see your friends already playing. Gwen and Taylor killing it, Ganke tripping over the carpet, and Malik looking like a stiff stick.

"Well this is gonna be fun, isn't it." Miles said dragging you over.

12:00 AM Queens, New York

The party was now over and everyone was going home. There were balloons,confetti and cups everywhere. There were a couple greasy pizza boxes on the coffee table. Some people were passed out of the couch drooling as well.

"So uh how are we all getting home?" Ganke said.

You all didn't think about it but everyone's parents were sleep and it was really late.

"We could call an Uber to my place. My dads on a business trip and he won't be back till Tuesday. Imani could let us in." Malik suggested.

"Sounds good to me." You said.

"I'm down, I'll just have to sneak back home in the morning before my parents beat my ass." Miles said thinking about how his mom would scold him.

Everyone else agreed and you all convinced Ganke to pay for the Uber.

"IMANII OPEN THE DOOR!!" Malik yelled from the outside knocking on the door.

"SHH! your gonna wake up your neighbors!" Taylor said being just as loud as he was.

Just then Imani opened the door, she looked half sleep with her bonnet on and a Nirvana shirt with some black shorts on.

"Can you stop being so damn loud." She said yawning while going back to her room.

You all walked in to feel the cool air hitting from there AC. You took your shoes off and put them against the wall by the door.

"Gwen, Taylor, Gwen you guys can come with me." Imani said grabbing some snacks before going to her room.

"Alright." Taylor and Gwen said.

Before you followed them you went up to Miles and sneaked a kiss. He stood there with a big goofy smile on his face.

"I'll text you, okay?" You said looking at him laughing at his reaction.

"I-uh yeah! Okay." Miles said stuttering out as he watched you follow Imani and the rest of them.

"You own be ten bucks dude, told you." Ganke said holding his hand out to Malik.

"You've got to be kidding me." Malik said getting the ten dollars out his wallet and giving it to Ganke.

"You guys made a bet?!" Miles said looking at the two.

"Maybe....but hey I mean it was a good bet, right?" Ganke said nervously laughing.

"Only good cause you got the money...." Malik mumbled under his breath mad he lost.


(Hi, just wanted to stop by real quick and first say so sorry for not posting recently I've been busy. Second thank you guys so much for 1.05k views on this story I wasn't expecting this to blow up but I appreciate it so much so thank u all <3 make sure to vote for the chapters it helps out a lot.)

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