005- the truths been hiding.

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                     1:00 PM Brooklyn, New York

"Hey y/n, you didn't walk with me to school this morning I got worried." Miles said leaning on the lockers next to yours.

You closed your locked starting to walk to your next class.

"Sorry, I overslept." You lied.

The truth was you didn't want to walk with miles. After he ditched the plans you both made for some..girl.

He catches up to you, looking at you worried.

"Are you alright? You seem off today.." he said walking with you.

"Yup perfectly fine miles. I gotta get to class so I'll see you later." And with that you walked to your classroom leaving the boy curious, did he do something wrong?

Miles could help but think about you throughout the whole period. You seemed..mad? What could he of possibly do to upset you?

                  3:00  PM Brooklyn, New York

It was the end of the day and you were walking out of your last class and of course, miles was there waiting for you.

"So y/n you still down for the movies?" Miles said nudging you as you both walked down.

" I don't know, depends if your gonna ditch me again for Gwen." You said staring straight ahead still walking.

Miles slowed his pace looking at you confused on how you knew Gwen?

"What are you talking about...?" Miles said.

" You blew me off to go hang with some girl miles and told me it was an "emergency".You could've just told me if you didn't wanna hang out.." you said looking sad as you were about to open your door.

"No y/n it's not like that really it's just-"

"No miles, don't worry about it, it's fine I'm not in the mood to go out anyway..I'll see you tomorrow okay-"

Before you could open the door miles grabbed you by your hand.

" Y/n I know the situation didn't seem right but...there's something that I haven't told you." Miles said sitting on the stairs patting the space next to him for you to sit.

You sat down next to him expecting for the worst.

"listen I trust you, a lot and I would hope..that you trust me?" Miles said looking at you.

You slowly nodded your head leaning your body against the rail.

" Yesterday I didn't blow you off, In fact out of all places yesterday I did really hang out with you...but what I said was true.it was an emergency.

"When I tell you this, this has to stay between us. I wanna tell you the truth because I trust you a lot, and I feel like I can tell you anything.." he said looking down at his untied shoes.

"Okay, I promise." You said holding out your pinky.

The boy smiled at you and locked his pinky finger with yours.

"I guess there's no other way to say this without it sounding dumb but.....I'm, Spider-Man." He said moving his shirt to show you the Spider-Man costume underneath.

You just looked at him speechless, you didn't know what to say really.

"And that emergency I had yesterday was because there was a robbery at a bank and well Gwen is a Spider-Man to or I guess... spider-women in her case. She was just helping." Miles said reassuring you.

There was so much information to comprehend. You were being dramatic this whole time. Miles wasn't dating Gwen or ditching you, he was just doing his job at protecting the city.

"I..I'm sorry miles." You said feeling dumb.

"What are you apologizing for?" Miles said looking confused.

" I overreacted and jumped to confront that you were ditching our plans when.. you were just doing what you had to do." You said looking down.

Miles placed his hand on your shoulder with a reassuring smile.

"It's not your fault. You didn't know, if I was in your situation I probably would've thought the same thing." He said laughing a little.

He pulled you in arm wrapped around you in a side hug.

"Besides going to the movies with you would've been way better then hearing Gwen complain about "causing a big scene"." Miles said rolling his eyes.

"Well, if your down we still can do that." You said getting up and reaching your hand out for miles to grab.

"Sounds good to me." Miles said grabbing your hand and leading you to the movie theater.

3:50 PM Brooklyn, New York

"So, you never told me what movie we're gonna see." You said both you and Miles hands still locked in together.

"Well that-" he stopped to open the door for you.

"Is for you too figure out when we watch it." He said walking behind you.

Miles had already bought the tickets ahead of time,so all he had to do was scan them on his phone at the front. Seems he planned this way before he even told you.

You both walked to the front to buy snacks and drinks you ended up sharing a huge popcorn bucket and getting two slushies.

You both find your seats sitting next to each-other at the top getting a good view of the movie screen.

"Miles if we see some couple up her sucking each others faces off, I'm blaming you." You whispered to the boy as you eyed the couple that was sitting two seats away from you both.

"Yeah I didn't really think about that when buying the tickets...I think we'll be fine. Hopefully.."

Miles said looking in the direction of the couple who already was all over each other and the lights haven't even went down yet.

After a few minutes the lights dimmed and the movie began and of course miles was gonna pick this movie.

"The Super Mario Bros Movie"

You could hear miles next to you trying to hold in his laugh looking straight ahead.

"Your ridiculous I hope you know that." You said laughing.

Well hey, it's better then doing homework right about now, you got comfortable laying on miles shoulder. Miles rested his head on top of yours as you both shared the big popcorn miles bought that was sitting between you both.

"Wanna sneak into the transformers movie after this?" Miles suggested.

"Is that a crime I hear? I wonder how Spider-Man would feel about this." You said smiling.


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