008- would you be interested?

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                     2:00 PM Brooklyn, New York

You, Ganke, Miles, Malik, and Imani had a free period currently so you were all in the library chatting.

"So y'all know any people you've decided to go to prom with?" Imani said smirking at us all.

"PROM?!" We all yelled.

"SHHHH!" Ms.Chokesondick put her finger to her chapped ass lips eyeing us. (If u watch South Park you already know.)

"Since when was prom coming up?" You said whispering.

"How come we didn't know about this and you,a freshman, did?" Miles said also whispering.

" Uh, it's been all on the schools insta, duh." She said as if we were suppose to know that.

"I seen some posters in the hallway about it but I wasn't really paying attention..." Malik said scratching his head.

"Well anyways, the prom is for Juniors and Seniors this year. Do you guys have some options for dates considering those seniors are hot." Imani said tapping on her phone.

"Imani!" Malik said

"What it's true, and don't you have a crush on that Taylor girl. She's a senior so what's the problem." She said full on exposing Malik.

"I'm gonna start heading to my class..." Malik said, his face was hot.

"Yeah same, I've already gotten to many tardies this week, peace." Ganke said putting the peace sign up.

"Well, I'll see y'all later, and Y/n you should definitely let me help you with your prom outfit." She said giving you a wink then leaving.

"Im definitely not prepared for prom." You said looking at all the information on the school instagram.

"Yeah well, I'm sure it'll be fun." Miles said.

"You have anybody in mind you wanna go with?" He next asked you.

"Hmm,honestly I don't know. What about you?" You asked him looking up from your phone.

"Well I have someone in mind.." he said having a slight smile on his face.

Well damn, that kinda hurt.



"Well I gotta get to class I'll see you later." You said grabbing your things and getting up.

"Yeah, Cya y/n." Miles said watching you walk away.


                   3:00 PM Brooklyn, New York

It was after school and you invited Miles over since your mom was gone on a business trip, she wouldn't have minded anyway.

"Miles come onnnn, tell me who it isss,PLEASEEEE." You begged the boy to tell you who he had in mind to go to prom with.

"Nope, I'm not saying nothing, but I'm sure you'll find out soon.." he said mumbling the last part.

"Ugh, whatever your lame." You said putting your legs on him scrolling on your phone.

Miles phone ringed.

"Ah, I gotta get home and help with dinner. I'll text you though." He said getting his stuff.

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