014- end of a era.

236 12 3


     12:00 AM, Brooklyn, New York

Your in your last few weeks of junior year and to be honest you were kinda sad, I mean of course you were happy you didn't have to see or smell those musty kids or stress out about turning a project in before 11:59, but you were gonna miss the good side of school as well.

Getting to goof around with your friends and skip, watching food fights go down, or just sit in the back of the class and eat snacks while gossiping about the latest events that have happened.

To end the year though, you decided to throw an end of the year party. You thought it would be fun and of course the gang was gonna be involved. Miles, Malik, Imani, Ganke, and Taylor.

Obviously your mom wasn't gonna let you have a huge party in your small ass apartment so you all came to the conclusion you would have it at Imani and Malik's house since their dad was on a business trip for the weekend.

The Big 6 🌚

Imani 👯‍♀️- sooo who's getting the snackssss ???

Malik 🌚- why can't you just get them ..

Imani👯‍♀️- bc I'm getting decorations goofy

Malik 🌚- but I was getting decorations ☹️

Imani👯‍♀️- to bad to mf sad

Y/n- milesss is ur dad still gonna let u use his speaker??

Miles 🕷️❤️- yupp already charged and everything

Taylor 👓- just picked up the pizzas !!

Y/n- niceee ganke I just sent u the playlist btw

Ganke 🎧- alr bet this party is finna be lit

Taylor 👓- nah fr but uh y/n how many ppl did u invite??

Y/n- oh I just made flyers and put them around the school .

Malik 🌚- ...

Imani 👯‍♀️-🧍🏽‍♀️

Ganke 🎧- wtf

Miles-🕷️❤️- oh


Imani 👯‍♀️- honey bun wtf was u thinking


Ganke 🎧- so basically anybody from school could just pop up

Y/n- exactly

Miles 🕷️❤️- well damn I think we gonna need some more pizzas

Taylor 👓- shi it ain't my money malik gave me his wallet

Malik 🌚- which I very much regret

Y/n- anywaysssss I gotta get back to setting up ttyl 😝

Malik 🌚- this shit was a set up

Imani 👯‍♀️- wit ya broke ass 💀💀

Miles 🕷️❤️- nah that's wildd 😭


After texting the group chat you set your phone down and go to your bathroom to start getting ready for this party. You were excited you'd get to spend this night with classmates, your closest friends, and of course your boyfriend Miles.

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