007- an old friend?

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12:00 AM Brooklyn, New York

"Ganke take one more fry and I'm beating your ass."

It was lunch and you and Ganke were arguing about you having more fries then him and you needed to "share.

Miles on the other hand was enjoying his lunch watching you two go back and forth.

"But Y/n you got all those fries it wouldn't make a difference if I took a few."he said trying to grab one as you kept slapping his hand.

"Hey, uh excuse me..." Some dude with an familiar voice said from behind you guys.

You, Ganke and Miles stopped what you all were doing and looked to where the voice was coming from and as soon as you seen who it was your eyes widened.

"Could I sit with you guys, I'm new." He said with a half smile.

There standing was your childhood best friend Malik. He had blonde locs, he got wayyy taller then the last time you seen him and he had black headphones on with black cross earrings on his ears and some converse.



"Broo, I haven't seen you since you moved!" He said hugging you.

You hugged him back.

"It's been so long, I missed you dude." You said stepping back to get a good look at him.

He has long lashes and hazel eyes but his locs cover his face mostly so you couldn't really see much.

"You know this guy?" Miles said look at the boy and you so close together.

"Yeah! This is my childhood best friend Malik, Malik this is Miles." You said introducing the too boys.

"Nice to meet you dude." Malik said holding his hand out for Miles to shake.

Miles hesitantly shook the boys hand quickly turning back in his seat.

"What made you move here?" You said scooting over for Malik to sit in between you and Miles.

" Pops got a better paying job out here so Him, Me and Imani decided it be best to move." He said picking with his food.

You forgot He had a sister, Imani was a freshman and super pretty. You and her use to have these fun little parties back in Detroit.

"I definitely am gonna have to catch up with Imani." You said not paying attention to Ganke taking your whole cup of fries.

"So Miles was it? What do you like to do?" Malik said looking at Miles.

"Oh uhm, art stuff I guess..." miles said pretty dryly.

"Thats dope, I do paintings every now and then but I'm mostly into music." He said.

Miles just nodded and put his attention back to his phone.

The bell had finally rang and it was time for you all to get to your next periods.

Ganke had next period with Malik so maybe they could talk more and Miles and you had Spanish.

As you and Miles were walking to class you noticed that Miles seem a little...frustrated?

"What's up Miles, you okay?" You asked the boy nudging his arm.

"Yup, I'm fine. Why'd you ask?" He says looking at you.

" I don't know you just seem, a little mad?" You asked mentioning his behavior earlier.

"Nah, don't know what your talking bout." He said opening the door for you then walking in.

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