012- you deserve the world.

478 9 3


1:00 PM Brooklyn, New York

You were currently cleaning your room while dancing to some Childish Gambino song that was playing in the background from your speaker.

Your mom was out for work like usual and she wouldn't be back till later. You couldn't hang out with Miles today because there was something important you had to do.... And that was because

Its Miles birthday! You and Mama Rio were planning a surprise party for him later on and you convinced Gwen to give Miles something to do for the time being.

You had to go pick up some decorations and cake. Mama Rio was cooking her but off of course and Mr.Davis was inviting all of Miles family and some friends.

                                         My girll 🤍

heyyyy n/nnnn me and malik just got done with the "surprise" wink wonk

that's great imanii I knew I could count on y'all I'm heading out to get the cake and the rest of the decorations rn  text me when u guys get here

alr gotchu girl ttyl
            Read 1:15 PM

You grab your wallet and house key before heading to the bakery to pick up that cake. Then you needed to stop by a party city to get some more decorations.

You walked  to the party store first. It was a older lady sweeping behind the counter.

"Welcome in baby." She said smiling at you before continuing sweeping.

You greeted her back then walking towards the balloons. Thinking of what colors to get.

You decide on getting some red and black balloons as well as some gift bags. Just then you get a message from the birthday boy.

                          my spider boy 🕷️❤️

el cariñooooooo

                                                                           mi amorrr

I misss uuu I'm not gonna be able to see u until later tday :(((

   Ikkkkk but dwww when u come back I'll make         sure ur birthday is gonna be great

can't waittt but I gotta get back I'll text u later tho, te amo <3

                                                te amo también miles <3

You finish grabbing the decorations and you made your way to the counter.

"Looks like your going all out, what's the occasion?" The older lady said while scanning the items.

"It's my boyfriends birthday, me and his mom are throwing him a surprise party." You said while pulling out some cash to pay.

"Ohh that's so sweet! I'm sure he'll love it." She said handing you the bag.

"Thank you, I hope so." You said thanking her before leaving.

Now to pick up the cake.

You head to the local bakery which was only a couple of blocks down from home. Miles had showed you this place before talking about how he got his dad cakes from here before.

"Hi, I have a pickup order for y/n, please." You said to the guy at the counter.

""Y/n......Ah got it. Give me one second." He said heading to the back.

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