003- show you the webs.

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miles p.o.v

8:00 PM Brooklyn, New York

You and y/n were walking back to your place to have dinner. You both definitely stayed out longer then expected and knowing your mom, she's definitely gonna have something to say.

"Do y/n, what school are you going to?" You asked kicking stones that were on the sidewalk.

"Some fancy school call Brooklyn Visions I think? My mom made me take some test for it and somehow I got in. I can say it definitively wasn't the school I was planning on but I can't really do much about it now."

They said still walking looking at the cars passing by.

You stopped walking to look at them with a big smile.

"Hey, that's the school I go to! The only reason I'm in it is because of some dumb lottery though. It may seem bad at first but you'll get use to it. No matter how hard you "try" to get kicked out it just won't happen."

You explained still walking shoulder length away from y/n.

"Well I'm glad you go there, I hate being in a new school with nobody I know." They said

"Yeah...hey maybe I can introduce you to my friend Ganke? He's pretty cool." You said opening the door.

"Yeah that'd be-" before they could say anything else my mom, my dad AND y/ns mom came up to us both looking very...mad.

"Miles, ¿dónde han estado ambos? (Miles where have you both been?!" My mom said

"Cálmate mami (calm down mommy), I was just showing y/n around." You tried to explain.

"You both should've at least let us know you guys were gone, we were all worried." Y/ns mom chimed in.

They both then looked at my dad while he was trying to sneak a tamale off the table.

"Ahem." Y/n's mom and my mom said.

"Oh uh, Yes you guys could've sent a text or something. Brooklyn is not a place for you both to just be wandering without us knowing."

Dad tried to sound serious but it wasn't really working.

"La próxima vez, por favor, háganoslo saber. Ambos nos teníais preocupados( next time please just let us know.You both had us worried.)" Mom said.

" I'm sorry Ms.Morales, we'll make sure to let you know next time." Y/n said apologizing.

Mom liked y/n a lot so y/n apologizing saved us from even more fussing.

" Está bien cariño( its alright sweetie) now vamos before the tamales get cold." Mom said walking back to the kitchen.

You both let out a sign of relief.


8:15 PM Brooklyn New York

"The food is great Rio, you really can cook." Ms. L/n said.

"Gracias, got it from my la madre what can I say." Mom said smiling.

" So what we're you two doing that took you till 8:00 Pm to get home huh?" Dad said eyeing us both.

This caught my and y/ns mom attention as well.

"We were just walking around Brooklyn and then we stopped by Ms.Diaz's diner."

"¿estabas en una cita?( you were on a date?)" my mom said.

"Look at miles growing up." Dad piped in.

Y/n looked at me confused.

"Uh- no mami, it wasn't "that". It just happened to be close and y/n and I were hungry, so.." I tried to explain.

"Mhm.." y/ns mom said having a smirk on her face behind the cup she was drinking out of.

"Uh anyway! Heh, uhm.. Ms.Morales could I use your bathroom?" Y/n then asking looking uncomfortable.

"Of course mija, upstairs last door on the left." She said putting her cup down.

"Thank you.." y/n said then getting up.

10 minutes later and dinner was over.

Dinner was over and you notice y/n never came back so you decided to go upstairs and check up on them.

They weren't in the bathroom anymore but instead in your room looking at all of your posters on the wall.

"You like 'em?" You asked closing the door.

"Yeah there pretty cool, and so is your art." They said referring to the sketch book I had on my desk.

"Yeah well I learned from the best." Referring to my uncle as I sat down next to them.

You grab your speaker and turn it on.

"What kinda music you listen to?" I asked them as I grabbed my phone.

"All types of music really, unless it's country then I'm good." They said lying back.

I scrolled through my playlist and clicked on "She by Tyler The Creator and Frank Ocean.

"I got an idea." You said grabbing two pieces of lapsed and sitting on the floor.

They sat up balancing themself on their elbows.

"And what's that?" They asked curiously.

"How about we both drawing something on two separate pieces of paper with different colors and everything five minutes we could switch we could day....five rounds, yea?"

I asked passing them a cup with markers in it.

"Sure I'm down, but don't be mad if I decide to draw a dick on something." They said laughing as they picked a marker out of the cup.

" why am I not surprised..."


                 9:45 PM Brooklyn New York

*Beep Beep Beep*

That was the alarm signaling that the last round was over. I turned it off as I grabbed my paper turning it towards me.

"Alright on the count of three will show it, in three..." they started

"Two...." I said smiling.

"One!" We both said turning the papers around facing each other.

Y/ns paper had sunflowers, spiderwebs, and a field which I drew , and a....stick figure with a dick on it.

"Really y/n...." I said looking at them shaking my head.

"What, I warned you at the start." They said laughing.

Their smile was so pretty..

My paper had little worms with faces on them, a stick figure which I assumed was suppose to be me considering it had my Jordons and they were untied, and a wall with graffiti on it which y/n drew and in the middle of all of it was a small sketch of y/n that I drew.

"You drew...me?" Y/n said looking at the picture.

"Oh uh/yeah! Sorry I'd that weird? I feel like that's weird if you don't like it tha-" I was a stuttering mess but before I could finish y/n spoke.

"No, no! I.. really like it. Your more talented then I thought morales." they said smiling at me admiring the picture.

"Well then..you can keep it since you like it so much."


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