011- first time for everything right?

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6:00 AM Brooklyn, New York

You had got back from Malik and Imani's house not to long ago. You snuck in making sure not to wake your mom as she had work soon and can be very grumpy if woken.

You had been texting Miles back and forth since you both got home smiling at your bright screen that illuminated the dark.

my pookie ❤️🕷️


I miss you 💔💔

                            You just seen me an hour ago miles.

Ikk but that's still longgg

we're neighbors we always see each other duh

wnna go somwhere later?

u asking me on a date? 🤭

maybeee depends if you say yes

wellllllllllll then yes I will go on a date with you

totally knew u we're gonna say yes had no doubts 👍🏾

mhmm anyways we're u wnna go??

it's a surprise so jst be ready at 5

miles u know I don't like surprises

miles gonzalo morales ik u didn't leave me on read

yknow wht that's oky just know it's on sight when I see u
Read 6:40 AM


                    7:00 PM Brooklyn New York

To be honest you were very excited for this date, you'd never been asked out before nor been on a date so this was new for you.

What did make things a lil hard was that since you don't know were your gonna go you didn't know what you were gonna wear.

Which is why you are currently sitting on your bed watching Imani tear your closet up giving you outfit choices that are apparently for "every" date occasion.

"I'm telling you this is gonna be a perfect fit for wherever you go, movies, dinner, park, whatever." Imani said laying clothes out.

"whatever you say..." you looked at all the clothes you forgot you even had.

"Soooo, tell me about you and miles." She said plopping on the bed smirking.

"Uh- what do you mean..?" You said acting clueless.

"I'm not stupid, I seen you smiling on your phone the whole time you slept over, and also there were pics of you two kissing at prom on Malik's insta." She said showing you two in the background of Malik's photo.

"so..are y'all official?" She asked already knowing the answer.

"Well yeah, he asked me at the after party..." you said cheesing trying to cover your face.

"AHH I knew it." She said putting some of her hair behind her ear.

"Well bitch what you waiting for you got a date to get to, put this outfit on and go meet with morales." She said handing you the clothes she picked out.

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