006-even heros can doubt .

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10:00 PM Queens, New York

It had been a rough night, especially for a specific boy. Even after defeating spot Miles still felt so..unaccomplished.

"Miles....Miles!" Gwen shouted waving her hands in front of the boys face.

"Hm, sorry I blanked. What we're you saying?" The boy asked shaking off his thoughts.

"Are you okay? You've seemed, off this whole week." Gwen seemed to notice his behavior had changed, he's not as lively as he usually is.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." Miles said reassuring her.

"Okay then.. I'll go fill in the report to the police. I think you should go home, get some rest yeah?" Gwen suggested.

"Yeah, thanks.. see ya." And with that the boy webbed away.

He was webbing across the streets. So many lights, cars, people. He could hear some people cheer for him from below.

"Look it's Spider-Man!"

"They've done it again!"

"Hi Spider-Man!!!"

He just wanted to go home.

10:36 PM Brooklyn, New York

Finally he had made it to his bedroom sneaking in hoping his mom doesn't hear. His dad was out rounding up the criminals Him and Gwen defeated earlier.

He locked his door plopping himself on his bed.

This past week something has just been bothering Miles. The words Miguel had told him. All that went down. Sometimes it just echos in his head.

"Your a MISTAKE"

"If YOU hadn't been BIT, PETER PARKER would have LIVED."

"NONE of THIS would've happened."

Miles wouldn't let things get to him usually, but Miguel's words hit him still.

He was right though. Peter Parker would've lived, spot wouldn't have been created, none of this should've happened..


You've noticed for the past week Miles has been acting so different. He wasn't his goofy, sweet self. He was quieter than usually, he wouldn't walk with you to or from school that much, every time you texted or called him he'd never answer. If you'd ask Mrs or Mr. Morales if Miles was home they'd say he already left.

They were just as worried as you were. You missed Miles it felt like you were across the world from him even when you both were neighbors.

You would try to talk to him at school but he would just give you quick little responses or sometimes none at all.


You saw miles putting his books in his locker about to go to class.

"Hey Miles! I didn't see you this morning, what happened?" You asked leaning on the lockers next to him.

"Sorry, my dad took me to school this morning." He said then walking away.

"Oh, okay then." You said watching him walk away.


It was lunch time and you were eating and talking with Ganke.

" Hey do you think I can borrow that new comic you got recently?" You asked Ganke eating a fry.

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