can't make the same mistake twice. right?

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Still standing on the ceiling, walking around in circles, contemplating if its a good idea to wear my suit as soon as I get back home.

Spidey has been fighting Ock for 4 hours now, for a job that's so easy, it seems it's not. But on the other hand, i get weaker each time i wear my suit.

Last time i wore it, i was severely injured. I was at the SHIELD hospital for 3 weeks. That's why I moved here, adding to the part of the bullying, but also because of the villains in New York, it's better if the Avengers or any other secret OPs teams from SHIELD handle it.

Yea I'll just stay and sit in my home...

Or i can just not wear the suit, but only the armour. Yeah. That should work, i won't wear it often but atleast i won't get weaker. Okay then, yea.

I take out a charm from my bracelet, it's not just random parts of a costume. When you're trained by the Avengers at 8, you get a lot of tech, including those which can make things smaller.

I take out the patch that i used, given to me by antman, and my costume was back. It somehow didn't stink.

My clothes are not something i should fight in... Maybe I'll wear the suit one last time? I want to wear it, a lot. The power you feel because nobody knows that you're the freak that they bully in school.

Fuck it. I wear the suit. It still fit like a glove. I put one of the tiny patches in my other clothes and stuff them in my bag and make my bag tiny as well. I put it in the secret pocket in the jacket. We're back then...

I first hovered over to my house, and opened the door and closed it. To stop anyone from being suspicious. Then i went to the fight. With help from Tony's tech for flying, and the scientist and engineers over at SHIELD, i was able to create a way for me to fly without having the motors be visible.

I threw a quick hit at one of Ock's arms. "Please tell me you're on my team. Or this is going to get awkward..." Said Spidey, wiping away some blood from his face.

"Obviously I'm on your team dumbass. You've been fighting this guy for hours. Thought you'd need some help." I reply while throwing more hits at Ock.

"Have you always been here?? Just waiting for me to mess up so you can show and get the applause?" He said while raising an eyebrow, which was somehow visible even with his eyebrows being covered by his mask.

"Nah, i travel a bit here, a bit there. Not in a villain way, just in general. It's easier to get around when you're not technically not using any strength to do so" i replied once again, while backflip-kicking Ock into an abandoned building nearby.

"Oh then if you can take care of him I'll take Y/N back to her house." He said while shooting a web towards the roof of the building where he left me.

"No... Need... I brought her... Back to her... Home before... Coming here." I replied, it's hard to talk when you're taking massive hits.

"So are you like Iron Man with a voice changer?" He asked, webbing together some of Ock's limbs.

"Ugh i wish. We'll talk after we finish this guy." I used another one of my tech things and Ock's was defeated. He fell to the ground unconscious.

I had to use one of SHIELD's very slow tech, which would put a hologram of the city before it got destroyed and would put everything back within 12 hours. It's crazy how they came up with this stuff and we're actually able to execute it to work this well.

I direct Spidey to the abandoned building's rooftop, since he wanted to talk. But before we could do so, the helicarrier was here. Fury was behind us wasn't he.

"Hello again Fury" i let out with a loud sigh.

"Y/S/H/N. Quite a surprise to see you here, especially with your suit on. I was here to talk to Spiderman but I guess you can come back too. You seem injured." Fury replied sternly.

I promised myself i won't be back here. Especially not wearing the suit. I hovered into the Helicarrier, surprised to see all the shocked faces that i was back. I went to Fury's office, half expecting the team to be there. Thankfully they weren't.

"Fury, Coulson, may i have a word?" I stared into their eyes? There are three eyes not 4. Am i referring to each pair of eyes or??? Nevermind that.

Both of them followed.

"I can't join back. I put the suit on again only because the spider guy was having a hard time defeating Ock, i can't go back into the field. Especially when you guys can't understand why I feel so weak with this stupid suit. And until any of us can understand, i can't come back here." I lectured them.

"I understand. Our team is working on making new suits for you... Especially those which aren't so... Bulky..." He said, staring at the thick overcoat i was wearing. For someone with shrink tech, my costume was not shrink.

"I haven't changed my number, nor have i taken off the watch yet. You can just reach out to me whenever you want. Just finish the suit first... I don't want to die in the field." Although it'd be much preferred if i did.

Fury opened the huge door at the base of the helicarrier, which i levitated out of and went back to my house. It was late now. About 11pm, so much had happened in the span of just a few hours. Well the entire day was stupid.

Morning again. It's 4 am now. I got out of bed, put on some oil, finished some homework, cleaned my room, showered and got ready for another day at this new and stupid school.

Oh right Pav is in this school. Maybe the new school is not so stupid.

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