what really happened

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"listen up. You 5 are going to be fighting 6 villains, the thing is, we don't know when. But you have to just be prepared nonetheless. Spidey couldn't beat Octopus alone, even after 4 hours. You guys DIED beating 4 villains, and you didn't even manage to end them. Yeah, all of you DIED, even you Mr invulnerable. Now those guys are coming back, i can't help you again or else it'll be certain of MY death, and you guys won't be able to bring me back like we did you. These guys, they're coming back stronger, they have one motive, to bring an end to Spiderman, even though they've never met him. That is because of a thing called a 'canon event'. If a canon event gets disrupted, the whole universe is doomed to break. So we have to train you, more rigorously, and hope we don't have to lose you guys again." I say as i lead them to the training room, then follow Coulson up to the monitoring room.

"Now you guys have to train, a lot. I know it's an Avengers cliche coming from me, but you guys can't die in the fight this time. The fate of this entire universe is on your hands. You have to train your body, so a punch won't hurt you, train your reflexes that a punch won't reach you. Your fists and powers, so that you finish them before they can even start with you. You're not fighting for me, you're fighting for everyone you've ever cared about. You need to be able to get up, each time you fall, continue fighting until the enemy falls or surrenders. Never stopping is your motto." I say into the mic, as the others are given tasks to finish while also beating SHIELD bots.

"What happened- to her-?" Asks Tiger, who was always a fan of training but this was too much even for her.

"I don't know! She's been so lost in her thoughts for the past 2 weeks!" Replies an exhausted Spiderman.

"What did you do Prabhakar?" Asked Tiger.

"Why do you think i did this? Do you think i want to train this hard? Being Spiderman used to be an easy job, it still is! I don't know why Y/N is upset!" Continues Spiderman.

"Let's take 5" i say onto the mic. I didn't want to overwork them, but this was barely any practice as compared to what i was taught when i was 12.

As i saw everyone leaving the arena, i gestured one of the agents working in the monitoring area to start the training on my command.

After seeing everyone had left, i decided to give training another try. I had become weak after the incident. I had to rely on something other than my power source, to protect myself, to help these guys, i know this much training out of nowhere is not the best idea, but they need it. If I've learnt anything in the Spiderverse, is that prom is the worst day for Spideys. That's when the villains usually attack.

I gesture the monitor to start the training. Might as well.

The first few phases were easy enough. After a while I realised about how unconditioned i was with training, its been an year maybe since i last trained.

I focused only on my strength, not my powers. I did pretty well for that. Thankfully i didn't take even a single hit. Not bad. But not good either. It's taking me more time than it should. I definitely need more training.

After I finished the course, mostly unharmed, but it took more time than it should have, that's the only problem. I tell the team to finish 7 phases of the courses, while i went to the training gym. I need to make my punches hurt more.

I enter the gym, i try to decide whether running on the treadmill is a better idea or the punching bag.

Treadmill it is. I start slow, then gradually change the speed until i was at the fastest it could go.

I apparently had been running for about an hour, because that's when the team came to me. "Hey Y/E/N? You good? You've been running for an hour." Asked Luke.

"IM FINE! THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH ME!" I say as i lose balance and the magnet attached to the treadmill gets loose, stopping the machine as I'm about to fall. "Great! Thanks guys!" I say sarcastically.

"Y/N, as much as I adore your love for training, this is not healthy." Said Tiger.

"We can never be too prepared!" I let out.

"Y/N... She's right. Training this much is not healthy, and also not safe for your body" continues Iron Fist.

"This is why it happened. Guys i hate to say it, but this is the reason we lost last time!" I replied, absolutely annoyed with incompetence of my team.

Everyone looked at me, with pity in their eyes.

"Alright fine! I'll stop!" I said, giving up.

Pav tried to put his hand forward, gesturing that i come back home with him.

"No thanks Pav, I'm trying out the new grappling hooks" i say as i take off, wearing my mask again.

I reach back home, open my door, not expecting anything, but apparently i had an intruder.

"Hey again Gwen. Whatsup?" I say.

"Y/E/N, when are you gonna tell him the truth? He told me about how you're overworking everyone. He's worried about you, and he should be." Replied the blonde.

"I don't think it's a good idea. I haven't really pieced together my story myself. It's as if everytime i feel like I'm getting closer to finding out everything, there's alway a piece left. It's too confusing for me as well. I don't think it's a good idea for anyone else to know yet." I answered.

"Don't do anything stupid. Atleast don't break his heart." She said.

"I'll try not to." I reply, going in for a hug, as tears fall through my eyes.

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