not so secret

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I clean up my house, it's kinda crazy how messed up a place can be when left untouched for 3 days.

I forgot to close my windows and apparently now there's sand everywhere in my house. It had been 5 minutes since i told Pav to bring me the soup, and the doorbell already rang.

Either they already had soup in the fridge or something else was up. I knew Pav could get here in a single minute, because of he's, well Spiderman. But soup being made in 4 minutes? Nuh uh. Not possible.

I went towards the door and and looked through the peephole. It was Pav. I don't believe it.

"How'd Aunty make the soup so quick? And how did you get here so fast?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I may or may not have brought all the ingredients here..." He replied, putting his hair behind using his right hand.

"And you did all that in 5 minutes?" I replied.

"Well i was around, and also in the market. Pun intended" He said, winking.

"Okay Spiderman." I said in a serious yet sarcastic tone. I wanted to see his reaction to it.

He blinked, his jaw had dropped in suprise. "Oh i wish i was him. He's smart, probably very handsome an-" he tried to pass it off.

"Now that i think about it, I've never seen both of you in the same room. And the last time i saw Spiderman, you had also coincidentally left for 4 hours..." I smiled as i went on, it was cute seeing him trying to come up with an answer.

"I TOLD YOU ABOUT THE TRAFFIC... Y/S/H/N" he said smiling.

"Wait you know Y/S/H/N? She's a thing here as well? She was a big thing over in New York, before she went off..." I lied. Realising i needed a better alibi, i continued on about the lie i told Spidey when i was Y/S/H/N.

"OH WAIT WAS THAT Y/S/H/N WHO SAVED ME THAT DAY?" I jumped around in excitement. Being in SHIELD for 3 years meant knowing how to lie on the spot.

"Okay then I'm convinced. That you're Y/S/H/N" he laughed, throwing a carrot stem at me that he just cut.

"Okay Spiderman, make sure you don't get any webs in the soup. I ate enough of those back in New York." Technically i wasn't lying about this. Back in New York, apparently someone broke a canon or something, that's when my suit started to malfunction, so i was taken into the spiderverse, where spiderchef made me websoup. Not the best thing I've ever eaten, but atleast it was better than this lecture i was given by this Miguel guy. I didn't like him, but he was kinda fineee... And also 3 times my age... But that's fineee...

"Nahh" he turned to me and did the fwip fwip motion. Not realising that he actually was Spiderman and just shot webs at me.

"Uhhh" i said, i almost got shot by the webs, thankfully, 3 years at SHIELD and some training from Cap himself, made my instincts top notch.

"Some mere webs won't stop me? Oh is this the Spiderman replica webs you were working on? I saw some papers for these on your desk the other day-" i went on, lying, acting like we were still talking about being superheroes.

"Yea, i thought I'd put them to the test." He laughed, he seemed relieved that i added to his lie.

"Let's see how strong these webs are?" He chuckled and tried to shoot a web at me to try to pull me towards the chair in the kitchen.

I ducked "HA! It's not that easy for me to be webbed. And i can come to the table myself just fine" i said sarcastically, when in reality its was just an instinct, i didn't mean to dodge the web.

I walked over to the table, "so what has this webhead made for me?" I asked.

"Some web soup" he smiled wide and took off the plate on top of the bowl of soup. We both laughed at this.

After about 2 hours of just talking i look at my watch, right i have to train this guy in my other suit, "oh hey i have to-" i said, hopefully he remembers he has to go too, but was cut off by Pav saying "oh i gotta go-". Thank God.

We laughed and said goodbye. I got into my suit again, and saw pav stuffing his bag with his clothes and wearing his mask, webbing onto where the helicarrier is.

I waited until he was no longer in sight, and did the same thing. Upon reaching the helicarrier, i saw the rest of the team, just not Spidey. Weird.

"Oh where's your 5th member? He left for here before i did." I asked.

"He never got here" said Nova.

"Is he at-?" I turned to Fury, who was standing just a few feet away from me.

"Well, we can't track him down if he's in this universe." Replied Fury.

"Well i just hope he went there voluntarily..." I said disappointedly.

"Well let's start the training then." I continued.

Midway through the training session, i portal open. "Congrats you're right not on time" i smiled.

He came out from the portal along with Hobie Browne, one of the Spidermen i met while i was in the spiderverse. "Gang I'd like to introduce you to Hob-" said Spiderman, being cut of by Hobie.

"Mate Y/E/N is that you? You're from the same universe? Hell yea!" Hobie went on, using his very heavy British accent.

"Hobie? You know this lad? Oh right right spidermen." I replied trying to match his accent in order to make fun of him.

"Aigh mate, you know i don't believe in consistency, i should've left the accent behind" he said in an American accent which got me surprised.

"Okay yeah nevermind you can use your accent, don't go to American" i replied in shock.

"Did he just call you Y/E/N? What? Also you guys know each other??" Pav was confused with the worlds colliding but they had already.

"He often gets me mixed up with her, back in New York me and Y/N were pretty close, similar suits but yeah." I said while nodding no to Hobie.

"Well is anyone gonna introduce us?" said Nova, immediately going for a handshake with Punk. "HI! I'm Nova! I'm cooler than this guy" he says excitedly while looking at Pavitr.

"Uhh okay Pav I'm gonna leave now before this place falls down, it was nice meeting you again" punk says while leaving through the portal.

"Huh that reminds me. I don't even know what you look like Y/S/H/N. I mean it's not a problem but I'm curious" asks Pav.

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