spider cafe

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Looks like it was just me and Luke at this team meeting. Fury just took like half of our team and Sam is a no show.

Both of us knew that we're just, not gonna train, he's got literal impenetrable skin and I'm literally Spiderman. There isn't much to talk about either, i only either think about or hang out with Y/N, study, or pray the entire day, meanwhile Luke, is just- Luke.

Wait, what does Luke do in his entire day? Work out? Eat?

I really don't know my team members now do i? I sigh and ask "soooooooo- what d'ya wanna dooooo...?"

Luke replies "well we are here though, so why not just eat and you can tell me about the reason for this meeting. And if this is about you being in love with Y/N, zip it. We all know that shit, and i don't wanna hear about it".

"Wait- how do you know about the Y/N thing? Also if we're eating, you're gonna pay. I have enough money but I'd rather save that up and buy a Lambo" I said, taking a seat over at one of the cell type stalls.

"Man we got ears y'know. They're something that exist. Also I saw the glint in your eyes when you said bye to her during the call. Also one of your Spider friends dropped by, the two dimensional comic book one with the cool guitar, he said to some portal thing talking about you being in love with Y/N. We got common sense bro" says Luke, taking the seat opposite to mine.

"Hobie." I grunted.

"Somebody say my name?" Said one of the waiters, turning around and revealing himself to be Miles Morales.

"I said Hobie, not Miles. And why are you guys here?? Do you not remember what happened last time that all of you were at a universe together, that universe being this one, and it might collapse?" I said, realising that the entire cafe was filled with Spiderpeople.

"Naw man this is your spider kid gang. I respect the grind but i ain't staying here. I'll go check out what the mission is about, you hang out with your kin" said Luke, pressing a button on his SHIELD watch and transforming into Power Man and leaving the cafe.

"Heard you needed help with something, like some sort of a decision, so we're here to help!" said Miles, taking the seat which was just left empty by Luke.

"First I need an answer for why you're here. I get that it's for help for the decision but I'd rather talk at Nueva York. You could've just dropped me a message." i said, putting my hands on my forehead, it was a pain to get everything back together after the Spot, i can't do that again.

"You sound a lot like Y/N right now, she'd be the one worrying so much about your Earth collapsing, you'd just say to leave it up to Vishnu. I guess you two are spending a lot of time together then. Is she back yet?" said Gwen, launching herself to the seat next to Miles and barging in on the conversation.

"Are you just not listening to what I'm saying?" I fling my head back to a point where I'm completely facing the ceiling.

"Come onnn! Nothing's gonna happen Pav, you're thinking too much about this. No canon events are being disrupted and it's all gonna be fineee" says an annoyed Gwen, playing with the fork which was in front of her.

"I swear to fucking god Gwen" I said, which turned the heads of a lot of the other Spiderpeople around just acting like they work at the cafe.

"Woah dude- calm down, it's not that deep" said Miles, agreeing with Gwen.

"This is not your fucking universe Miles, the lives of people that I care about? They're on the line. If this happened in your universe, where there was a chance of your parents dying? You'd be acting exactly like I am right now, and don't you act like you wouldn't be like this." I said, absolutely pissed off, if the incursion thing that Y/N was talking about was maybe not real, there's still a chance of the Spot finding us here.

"Dude there's literally no need to swear, we get it dude" said Miles once again.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now? Pagal saala. Are you even listening to what I'm saying right now? Bhen ka launda" i say as i use my Spiderverse issued watch to go to Nueva York, maybe they'll leave my Earth alone finally.

Shortly after reaching, Miles and Gwen followed along, and met me at the actual Spider Cafe.

"You guys have just wasted my time and have been absolutely no help at all! Thanks so much, I have a lesser amount of time to pack now! Hurray." I said, trapping both of them to staying at the cafe in Nueva while I went back home.

I sit down on my bed while I stare at the setting sun, there was something so beautiful about it, something so worth writing about, or painting even.

Y/N taught me how to paint and also how to sketch and find my own art style during one of our hang outs, and i taught her basic chords on the bass guitar and some songs on the grand piano she had just lying around in her house.

I never showed her any of my songs, or the art I had made before I met her, it was adorable having her teach me things i already knew, how else does she think I created the design for my suit and my tech.

The best part is, she already knew how to play the guitar and the piano, yet she acted like such a fool when I taught her, but flawlessly performed each piece afterward. She may be a fast learner, but she can't learn chords that i never taught her.

I don't know why I'm thinking of her in a reminiscent sort of way, even though I met her just a few hours ago. Maybe it's because that after two weeks I see her for a few minutes, almost like the aftermath of an addiction.

I spent every single day of the last year with her, and almost every single hour, being either with her or thinking about her, so maybe it is like an addiction, or maybe it's just another way of saying I'm in love.

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