old friends

120 2 4

I lay on the bed, envelopes that we're packed and stamped surrounding me, with an arm on top of my face, and my hair being a complete mess, i was done. I was ready to die.

Sure there were things that I was still left to do, to try, but I think I lived life to the fullest, atleast what the fullest life means to a teenager.

This is my last night in this bedroom, hopefully not, but all the signs point to yes. My phone was buzzing beside me, messages from everyone. I went MIA once again, i can't believe they don't realise that this is a weekly thing now.

A single tear swept down my face, I put my arm on my side and stare at the ceiling. I never got the childhood experiences everyone talks about, i was raised by fucking superheroes, and even with all that training I'm going to die tomorrow?


I'm pathetic.

How can one, who's trained their entire life, be defeated in battle with someone she's beat before. That's absolutely pathetic.

I'm not going to wear my suit again. Atleast not tomorrow. I'll let everything play out how it was supposed to be, without me having superpowers and stuff. If it's canon for me to die, I'd rather not stop it and relive that day in New York.

Okay, maybe I'll wear the suit one last time.

I take out the new suit, which was stuffed into a bag, and I quickly change into it. I have some business to attend to, and I can't be late.

I stuff all the letter into a bag and step out of my window, putting on my mask. I flew towards the helicarrier, and dropped off the bag to Fury, and said my goodbyes. I told him what to do if found that I do infact pass away tomorrow. But i couldn't stay long, something else was bothering me. And i needed to take care of it.

If i remember the way correctly, New York shouldn't be that far. Atleast not when I'm flying with no air traffic.


I see the neon lights flashing, informing me that I've reached my destination.

I make my way towards one of the building i recognised at first glance, Oscorp.

I have memories from there which i wish to never relive. I knew the way to the Osborn's house from that building, so I used my memory to my advantage.

One right, three lefts, and fourth right, two lefts and another left, and two rights. I stare at the massive building in front of me. I couldn't go in. Not like this. Not in this suit.

I hide behind a nearby tree and wear my normal clothes on top of the suit. Thankfully i brought extra clothes.

I climb up the tree, like I used to do, when I wanted to meet her, back when I lived 5 blocks away.

One branch, two branches, three branches.

"Need help?" Asked the voice of, well you guessed it. Okay maybe you didn't, not it's not Norman, or Harry, or Hillary even, it's our friendly not in his neighbourhood, spiderman.

I screech, scare of the man in front of my hanging upside down.

"Did you fucking follow me here? DUDE. Not cool. And PS i can climb this tree with my eyes closed, i do not need your help" i say as i continue climbing the tree, almost reaching the last branch.

I hear a breaking noise, a branch broke. Shit.

As i fell down the tree, thinking if me dying was going to be down a fucking tree, I mean, a clock tower would've been much cooler, but a tree? A fucking tree?

A web clatched onto me, and pulled me towards the masked man. "Do you still not need help?" He asked.

"Oh fuck off. You should NOT be here. Norman is a fucking psychopath and he doesn't know I'm here, atleast not as Y/S/H/N. I'm here as Y/E/N, and you're NOT supposed to be here. LEAVE!" I whisper at him.

"You forget i also have a friend in there. There's a reason I'm only wearing a mask." He said, which made me look at his outfit, he wasn't in the suit, he was just wearing his mask, he was in his normal clothes.

"Alright fine Loverboy, I think you know which window is Hillary's. Right?" I ask, holding onto him. I see him nod as he takes me to her window and leaves to meet Harry.

I rest my feet on a small area in front of the window as i tap the glass, capturing the attention of my friend.

She opens the window and helps me in.

"Y/E/N? Why- how are you here? At this late in the night? What?" Confused noises came out from Hillary's mouth.

"Hey Hills. I gotta tell you something, you'll understand the rest later, but I think you need closure before it happens. To put it simply, I'm probably, most likely, going to die tomorrow. I think you deserve to know that. Also i have a secret admirer and in scared." I tell her, as i take out my phone which has photos of the letter sent by the secret admirer and show it to her.

"I don't know who could've done that. But it sounds romantic? It's definitely not a threat" she tries to make me be calmer.

I smile at her, knowing that this is a threat, but acting like it isn't. I nod at her philosophies, if only she knew. But it's too soon.

I finish my talk with her, ending the conversation with a tight hug, with tears flowing out of our eyes. I open the window and stare out at the almost clear sky.

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