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After the same exact day at school, i decided to stay alone at home for the first time in 4 weeks maybe. I keep getting intruded by my friends, but this time, I'm going to be alone. Finally.

Alone with my thoughts, no more SHIELD for today, only figuring out why I'm here, without interrupting anyone.

Wait right, Pav wanted me to check out the lehenga, I'll do that first.

I opened my closet and there is was, for someone who isn't a big fan of dresses, especially those showing off my Indian culture, i was obsessed with this. The colour, it seemed to fit me just perfectly. The blue really highlighted the colour of my skin and brought out the nice features in me. I was shining in this dress, not to be narcissistic, but honestly these are just my inner thoughts.

---------------- Pavitr Prabhakar ✨✨--------

Hey! I tried on the lehenga
it looks gorgeous and is the
perfect size! Do you need it

Nah it's all yours 😋😋


I was about to take off the tag since it was itching me, but it wasn't a tag at all. It was a message.

"To my love, Gayatri. I know how pretty you'll look when you wear it, the blue compliments your eyes. I remember how you're not a big fan of dresses, but atleast try this one time :)

- Pav"

Well looks like i wasn't his first love either. But this doesn't confirm that Pav means Pavitr, or even this Pavitr. If this is from him, that would mean he left her before i got here? Right? It's a good amount of time for a gap between two lovers, but how can someone love so easily? So quickly?

And there it goes, second guessing my relationship yet again. Why can't I just stay happy? Is it the fact that this dress wasn't made for a me. This was made for a memory with someone else. Someone else that isn't me. That's fine. But if he got it for her before i got here, how far ahead did they plan their life? Graduation? College? University? Marriage? They must've been really close.

Did she die? I mean I'd get that, I've had that before with Sheryl. But i was young, so I've gotten over it now. Kind of.

No Y/N. Stop doubting yourself. He may have loved her before, but he loves you now. Who am I kidding. Gayatri was supposed to be this universe's Gwen wasn't she? Goddamnit.

Why do i always ruin things. I should try to reach out to her.

I searched up Gayatri S on Instagram, she's probably going to have the usually Gwen Stacy initials. Wait why don't I just, ask Gwen? No wait that'd make me sound stuck up.

Y/N don't do this. This is stupid.

Maybe don't do it from your main account. Yeah that won't look stalkerish, just use your stalker account duh.

Gayatri S....

Gayatri Singh, that should be her, i think. Why am I doing this.

I press the follow button and get ready for the worst.
Request sent, says insta.

What is wrong with me.

Apparently she was active because my request was accepted almost immediately.

I go through her account, 576 posts. Goddamn.

I go through her posts just to feel something. Remembering about when noir said pain is the best way to feel something, anything.

It's all just photos of her, but in one of the latest post you can can't kind of make out that there's someone else there.

The photo is captioned "catching up" and it tags a guy who's profile has nothing about him.

"Fuck it" i say, sending him and a few other people on the "you might know" a follow request.

What am I doing.

I've gotta meet someone. There are so many thoughts in my head, there's one person i know who'll definitely help me out. I just have never talked to him before.

Why am I doing this.

I strap on the spiderwatch i still had from my month at the Spiderverse. They let me keep it so that i don't have any trouble if i had to come back to Nueva, for any reason.

Wait i should change my clothes, something more appropriate. Uhh.

I put on a hoodie which is only a bit oversized, and some sweatpants. Good enough.

"Spiderverse, im coming back" i say, as i try my best to start a portal. Hobie and Miles tried a lot to get me to learn how to create a portal, im just, a bit stupid.


The portal opened. Now we just hope I'm going to the right place.

I enter the portal and everything was exactly as it was before.

Some people at the lab, where i portalled into, recognised me.
"Hey Y/E/N! What brings you back?" Someone asked.

"Do you know where i can find spiderghost? I wanna ask some questions." I ask.

"Yea! Uhm, he should be in the northeast corner on the 7th floor. The spidertracker is a bit buggy with spiderghost, because well, he is a ghost. But he should be there" replied another.

"Thank you so much!" I say as i take off.

On my way there I heard a raspy voice behind me. "Someone told me you're looking for me. Well here I am" says the voice.

I turn around, finding SG upside down. "Oh hi! I know we haven't met before but i have some questions. Mind sparing a moment or so?" I ask.

"I have all the time in the world, you know because, I'm dead" he laughed.

"I'm well aware! That's why I want to ask you this. Is there anything you regret not doing? Like before you died i mean." I ask.

"Well, i regret not telling people, i just went around and continued saving my world as their friendly neighborhood ghost. This guy in one of the other universes made kind of a song about me, not a big fan of the use of the word poltergeist, but atleast someone knows. I did have to pirate it so i can listen to it in other universes. Kinda reminds me of me and Mary Jane, how she still doesn't know I'm dead, and how i try to tell her but- nevermind. Anything else?" He answered.

"Yeah, there's just one more thing" i tell him

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