the voice

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"we don't talk about that. HYDRA is under better hands now, the destroyer of worlds. She's the only sane one around here, she knows these inhuman things need to be abolished" he said, readjusting his rearview mirror.

"General Hale's daughter? Didn't she die in a fight against Quake?" I asked, Coulson never mentioned anything about this.

"And dear old Coulson should be dead too, he's not now, is he? You can't have the events of other multiverses cloud your judgement dear boy" he flared at me from the mirror.

I was about to answer something about Coulson, but forgot about the fact that I'm not Spiderman here.

"Principal Coulson-? He's meant to be dead? Nevermind that, why bring him up?" I asked, trying to act oblivious, which i partly was.

"Cut the act boy, we know you work with SHIELD." he sped up the vehicle.

"SHIELD-? Like the Avengers?" thank god I was a drama kid, i couldn't have pulled this act off otherwise.

"We saw you on their files kid, and with your Ben abandoning us? It was only time before Fury took you in" his story was not making sense to me in the spurr of the moment.

"Okay wait" i put my hand around my eyes, as if I was trying to understand everything, "you're saying I was on the files of some Avengers type of people, and they took me in, without my knowledge, because of Bhi- Ben" I corrected myself to match their English version of his name.

"Less talking" he said, ironic.

He pulled a wire mid way, when all the other cars were out of sight.

He turned back at me and said, "listen, I've cut off the mic, they can't hear what we're saying right now, but be careful when communicating with SHIELD, they've got eyes, everywhere. All three of them are ruthless." he warned, staring straight into my soul, as he sped up his car again and brought us back to the road, enabling the mic again.

He once again glared at me fro lm the mirror, but this time the glare seemed apologetic. Hopefully it means he's apologetic of me going to HYDRA and not the fact that he is going to betray me. Never trust HYDRA.

He stopped the car in front of a tall building, what looked to be just another apartment building, was secretly HYDRA? You'd see why one would be confused. But the driver's words still tingled in my ears, all three of them are ruthless, what did he mean by all three? Wasn't Ruby the destroyer of worlds and the leader of HYDRA in Earth-199999? But then again, the driver said not the trust the events that happened in other universes.

I followed a few guards who escorted me inside, and they weren't gentle. I made my way through the main hallway, which had a red carpet running through the centre of it. Pretty fancy and expensive for just an apartment building.

Then just as if i was in a Barbie movie, they put me in an elevator and using the handprint, they went to level -82. Did this thing go down to the Earth's core? Too many questions, not enough time.

As we reached the -82nd floor, they pushed me into a dark room, for questioning. They tied my hands behind my back and blindfolded me.

"Paveeter- Peter Parker, your English name correct?" asked a mysterious voice.

"Yes, that would be correct" i answered.

"Now would you like to tell us why, your English name resembles that of Spiderman's, in every other universe?" the voice continued. I couldn't make out who was behind it, maybe a voice filter was on.

"I wouldn't trust the facts of the other universes, you're literally standing in front of a guy named Peter Parker who is NOT Spiderman. Does that disprove your theory or do you need to beat me to shreds to believe it?" I taunted.

"Hush, we'll be asking the questions here. So Peter Parker, who's not Spiderman, care to explain why your name is on SHIELD's files?" asked the voice again, the pitch and the mannerism of the words made me believe that a woman was behind the voice.

"I just learned what a SHIELD is like an hour ago. Okay wait no, i know what a shield is but I don't know what a SHIELD is. They probably just have me under their radar, like someone said, because of Ben." I raised my shoulders the best I could, but I was stopped instantly by those holding me captive.

"So if you, Peter Parker, are not Spiderman, want to take a quick explanation for why you have been perfectly dodging all the hits being thrown at your currently? Is it not because of your little Spidey Sense?" the voice asked, this time aggressively.

So thats why my Spidey Sense was tingling so bad, not because of the fact that I am literally in the base of the most evil organisation in our world, maybe, but because I'm constantly getting thrown hits at. But something was still off.

"Ah, trick question. I'm literally tied down, I can't move, at all. Your servants have me put in one place. Unless I'm dodging your attacks all just by standing in one place, you're trying to get me to hesitate and give you a reason to believe that I'm Spiderman. But I'm sorry you're wrong, but thanks for saying that someone scrawny like me could be the hero of Manhattan." I only said the truth, or half truth.

"Alright, let him go" the voice said, and i was instantly released from the grips of the HYDRA men. They took off my blindfold, meaning SHIELD can now see whatever I see, and hear whatever i hear. It's gonna be helpful, especially now that they're suspecting me to be Spiderman. Y/N was right, should've not kept my English name to be the same thing as all the other Spiderman.

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