a familiar face

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Two HYDRA guards escorted me to my "room", which was pretty much like a jail cell. There were noise cancelling walls, a single metal bed with a thin mattress and a singular pillow. It was a medium-ish size room, completely white, which passed it off as being something from a mental asylum as seen in movies. A single table was affixed in front of a window, and the window didn't have a curtain, which means I wake up as soon as the sun does, if i do manage to fall asleep, that is.

I don't want to know what the bathroom situation is going to be like, since there isn't an open toilet in the room, or even a bucket for that matter. Atleast I know that they're not going to make me filter and drink my own urine because of the lack of a bucket.

I walked over to the table, some stuff seemed to be scattered over on it, a pencil, loose sheets like the one you'd find in a hotel, a notebook and a paper full of calculations. Being a math "nerd" as they call me, i tried to decipher what the calculations were for, it was definitely to build something, but what? For war ships, you can see a silhouette of the shape of the ship, but this was a new-ish silhouette, nothing like what I've seen before, even at SHIELD.

It seemed to be designed using a metal which doesn't exist, the calculations were way off as compared to the elements found on a periodic table. Actually, it seemed to be designed using gravitonium, a metal that you may only hear of, if you're in SHIELD or a very advanced scientist. But it doesn't exist, atleast it shouldn't. Even so, the quantities of it needed for this, not enough! This was an impossible thing to build.

I looked at some other pages, it looked like they were designing a duplicater for gravitonium, or even one that can create it from scratch, which once again, cannot be possible, atleast it shouldn't. Something was off. But maybe that's why I was put in this cell, the last guy seemed to have left in a hurry, judging by the state of the bedsheets.

I was a bit tense, wondering why they decided to put me in this particular room, i don't think HYDRA really cares about room service, but they wouldn't just leave out their big plans in plain sight for a newbie to come and see. They want something from me.

My spidey sense starts going crazy, telling me to stay on guard.

I heard a loud scream of pain, and thumping on the door, and then a screech which sounded like a blade hitting metal, or in this case, hitting the metal door. I was ready to defend myself, but I was also terrified, blood was streaming from underneath my door, and a thud was heard, like a head hitting the hard concrete floor. The person who was here before me had died.

I hid myself in a corner, away from the door, when a note slips from under the door.

"Don't fail" it read.

The note then quickly turned red, and was unreadable. With blood being thicker than water, I'm surprised the paper was able to soak it that quickly.

A knock was heard on the door.

"Come in-?" I said, hoping that it's not some guy with a gun who's ready to shoot.

Instead, it was a woman, someone who I recognised to be someone from SHIELD, I'd seen her before.

She came in with two men with laser guns in their hand.

"I see you've found yourself well." she said.

"Can I just get a change of bedsheets-? I won't ask for anything else then, except the need to live, but that's another story" I said.

"Someone give him new sheets" she said, and four men barged in, quickly changing my sheets for me.

"Uhh... thanks?" I said, confused by this treatment.

"Don't mention it. Now Prabhakar... you're the legal heir of Bhim, care to explain such for me? And what that means for you?" she said, staring at the papers on the table.

"Actually-! I'm not really very sure... Atleast not yet that is. I was told that Uncle worked here and I was asked to be here for an internship, anything else is out of my knowledge. I was hoping one of you could tell me why I'm here" I took a step back from the table, and stared at the armed guards.

I couldn't attack, there was a SHIELD agents leading them and I'm not sure if she's working for HYDRA and infiltrating SHIELD or the other way around, and honestly, i didn't want to figure it out the hard way.

"I'm sure you heard about the unfinished business your Uncle had... Well, that's why you're here! To finish what he started, and you're going to do exactly as we say" she lifted her eyes up from the table and then stared into my eyes with a soft-yet-you're-gonna-get-tortured smile. This isn't going to end well for me.

"Your first mission actually, involves one of your schoolmates... Danny Rand, you can come inside now" she said.

As surprised as I was at that name, I knew that Fury probably sent him, it may be the result of what tiger asked from him during our meeting.

Danny entered the room at one call, his gaze glued to the floor and his hands voluntarily behind his back.

"Danny" i nodded at him.

"Pavitr" he said back, he never really used my full name for me, so it was a bit weird to hear it from him.

"Awe, the two are friends! That's adorable" the woman's smile quickly faded at the last line, and she stared at me again, trying to analyse my body language.

Can she understand that I'm a Spider-Menace by night by just my posture? I surely feel better when upside down and on a single thread left of web than by being here

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