oh god not these guys

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As i once again enter the school hallways, everything seemed a bit different. I had been going to this school for a week now.

Maybe i somehow kind of fit in? A new beginning. Or not.

As i walk towards my locker i meet Pav again. I smile at him and he smiles and nods backs. I take out stuff from my locker and there they were.

Ava, Danny, Luke and Sam. They were walking towards Pav. Oh shit.

Pav did not see me, but i was moving my head no so hard that my neck might've gotten displaced.

These guys were my old team. From back when i was in New York. Fury does this thing where if his team is the same age and one of them go to school, the entire team goes to the same school.

Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit. Ughhhhhhhh.

As the gang meets Pav, Danny seems to notice i was hiding behind Pav.

"Hi Y/N." He said. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck NO NO NO NO NO NO.

"Hello Danny." I nod at him, "Ava, Luke, Sam" i looked into their eyes.

"You know these guys Y/N?" Pav looked at me confused.

"Unfortunately" i smile.

"WAIT OH Y/E/N YOU GO TO THIS SCHOOL? Danny why did you call her Y/N???" Sam asked.

"Yea i do Sam. And we knew each other for a literal year HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW Y/E/N IS MY ENGLISH NAME?????" i silently screamed at him.

"Wait what. Y/E/N is not your real name?????" Sam silently screamed back. To which Ava and Luke hit him in the head.

"That why i call you a bucket head. Your brain is so tiny that you head is like a bucket." I shot back.

Pav was still very confused on what was happening. We all ignored it and passed it off and acted like we knew each other from New York. A half truth if you will.

After Pav left to go take a call the team immediately got so confused.

"Y/N??? I thought you went of the radar?" Asked Ava.

"Technically i did, i moved here like... Wait... Is Pav...?" I replied.

The team nodded in agreement, but didn't know if they should've.

"Oh damn that makes a lot more sense of what happened last week then. But anyways whatever you do. He is NOT to know about me working for SHIELD. If anything, your old teammate used to go to my school in New York. For all he knows, im just the new kid." I told them, hopefully nothing gets out.

"Tell that to bucket-boy" said Luke, followed by laughter from everyone in the group except Sam.

As i walked to class and sat beside Pav, i got a message on my watch. This must mean the suit is done.

I raised my hand and asked "Ms, may i be excused? I have an urgent call from home to take" i lied, i didn't have a family back home. Usually Tony took calls for me because he was technically my guardian. I didn't ask him to pay for this transfer because of the guilt. Every year i have to transfer. For all Tony knows, im still in New York.

I went outside and transferred to call to my phone. "Hello Fury?" I asked.

"Y/E/N, im here to inform you about your new suit being completed. Head to the SHIELD helicarrier whenever you're free." Replied Coulson, instead of Fury.

"Alright, I'll be there in 7 hours? School just started" i replied and Coulson then cut the call.

I went back into the class and sat back at my desk. Pav raised his eyebrow in a puzzled manner, as to ask what happened. I nodded my head in disapproval as to say nothing important.

Class went on, he was still his cheery 'answering every question' self. I envied that about him. Even after taking hits as Spiderman, he never lost him charm. Unlike someone else i know.

"Back at my house today? I swear i won't leave for 4 hours this time" he chuckled.

"I don't know if I'll be able to make it today... I have to go somewhere, I'll text you if i get back early enough." I replied disappointed.

"Oh that's fine, no worries. I'll keep my rest of the day clear." He replied in a disappointed yet still cheery tone. "Or I'll try to" he mumbled under his breath and i understood what he meant.

I smiled at him, obliviously, although i knew exactly what he said.

The final bell rang and i disappeared without a trace. I've been told i do that a lot.

I put on my suit and went towards the helicarrier which should be somewhere in the sky. I call Fury from my watch and asked him where the helicarrier was, but no reply was heard.

Uh oh. Last time this happened, the helicarrier sunk...

Using whatever power i had, i tried to locate the helicarrier. This suit was too heavy. Then i did what i never thought I'd do. I called my old team.

"Guys. Any idea where the helicarrier is? Fury said he had the new suit ready for me." I called out.

No reply.

It wasn't until i saw Spiderman swinging randomly in the air.

"Hey Spidey!" I called out to him, while hovering towards him, "any idea where the helicarrier is?" I asked.

"That's what I've been looking for since the last hour". He replied.

Shit shit shit. If it sunk again i swear to god.

We flew around for another hour trying to find the helicarrier when i remembered Fury talking about replacing Coulson as our principal in New York.

Trying to not raise any attention, i asked "hey Spidey, what school do you go to?"

"Oh uh midtown- wait why is that important?" He asked.

I hovered towards our school and went inside, asking him to assist me to the principal's office.

"Coulson?" I called as i peeked into the office. Thank God. He was there.

"Coulson! Where's the helicarrier? Fury had the new suit ready for me. Well you're the one who called me but whatever. Where's the helicarrier???" I asked him.

"Oh it's in invisible mode? I'll tell Fury to get rid of it." Coulson replied.


"We're sorry, Fury wanted to see if you're still capable of using the old suit, to see if it can still be used. As a backup ofcourse." Replied Coulson calmly.

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