7 months 2 weeks.

147 0 5

3 days until prom. Yay.

I can't really be happy, knowing that something bad is going to happen and I can't stop it. Do I know if the sinister six is actually gonna attack during prom? No. Does common sense about the spiderverse tell me that it's going to happen? Kinda.

Well, i can make the most of my last two days right?

"Hey Y/N, wanna come over for some chai?" Said pav, we were doing homework together on call.

"Yea, I'll be right over" i said, cutting the call and wearing a jacket over my tank top. Some mood socks, the neutral ones look cool, and the only pair of shoes I own.

I head for the door, grabbing my keys and getting ready for the run. Nah I'm too lazy for that.

"Hey Pav can you come pick me up? Feeling lazy today" i quickly shoot him a text, and him replying "okay" almost instantly.

I waited outside on my roof. As much as it makes me sick, i love swinging around with him. The wind running through my hair helps me kinda calm down. Even though the air is a bit evil towards my glasses.

"Hm, now where could the prettiest girl in this city be? I think her name is Y/N. I head she lives around here, OH MY! Is that her?" Says pav, looking my way.

"Hey Loverboy" i say as i smile while looking at him.

He gestures me to come towards him as he picks me up bridal style. My god do I love this man.

I give him a little peck on the cheek and he swings me back to his place, opening his window and climbing in with me.

I sit on his table, somehow in a particularly cheery mood. Might as well make the most of my last days, i knew i wasn't going to last long, atleast people will remember me as something or someone who's not completely calculating the time until she perishes.

But the worst part is, they aren't even aware of me thinking of what's going to happen in 2 days. The canon? They have no idea. They still don't know how they died last time. And that absolutely fucking sucks.

Pav changed into his regular clothes, while i look around his desk, some pens, notebooks and a sketchpad.

"Oh Pav, you never told me you drew too!" I say, looking at him styling his hair.

"I don't really draw a lot, im still practicing, im not very good" he said and smiled. Continuing back to styling his hair.

"Huh" i exclaim.

"I'd you want you can look at it, i don't really mind all that much" he turned to me to say.

"Okay then!" I said as I started flipping through the pages, seeing drawing of sceneries, and a drawing of a girl drinking chai.

Wait. Is that Gayatri? It's the same place from where the photo on her profile was taken. Does he still meet her? Does he... Still like her?

No Y/N, you have 2 days left. If he still likes her that's great! He can move on! Don't do this to yourself. This isn't worth it.

Just look at some of the other drawings, it's fine. Why would he tell me to go through this book if he didn't know about that drawing? He probably drew it for inspiration. I do that too! Not of my exes, who there's a chance I may still like, but yeah! I should keep my head up high.

He looks done with getting ready, we were gonna stay the whole day at his home, but I guess he wants to look his best...

He grabs my hand and takes me downstairs, into the kitchen. He opened one of the cabinets above the stove and took out some Chai Patti (tea leaves). He also takes out a steel bowl (FUCK I CANT ENGLISH RN I FORGOT THE WORD) from one of the drawers under the stove, and filled it with water. He puts in 2 spoons of Chai Patti (have I written this scene already im getting some kind of Deja Vu i swear to god if I've written it before) and bringing the water to a boil (oh I've definitely written this before goddamnit).

I was sitting on the table nearby (no i swear I'm forgetting the fucking words), watching him make chai, he loves the smell of it (wait did I read it in Caleb's fic? Oh I think I read this in Caleb's fic oh no sorry Caleb). I could smell almost smell the leaves of home, life before I was sent here to the USA, life before i was 4. I know it doesn't make sense how one can remember so far back, but I guess i can. As soon as I got here, when I reached Manhattan for the first time, ever, when i was 4, i knew that's when everything started going south.

Thankfully my parents realised that they were too fucked up to take care of a child like me, and that empty glass bottles of wine, ashes from cigarettes, sharp caps from beer, aren't really great ways to raise a child.

So they gave me away to their friend, i still remember seeing them leave, her in a red dress, and him in cargo pants. They couldn't stay together without ripping each other apart, and me in the process as well. Their friend, happened to be a member of SHIELD, who decided it was best to give off a 4 year old child to a bunch of reckless superhero adults and make a billionaire whore her legal guardian.

But they did try their best to take care of me, training me for the worst, even though sometimes the trainings were too much for me, they taught me it's best to stay prepared. Steve and Tony aren't the best with kids, but they tried their best. Clint and Bruce, were somehow the only ones who knew how a child should be treated. Even as hulk, Bruce knew to protect me. And i think that was nice.

Natasha wasn't always around, she was usually like that fun aunt who shows you toys that your parents wouldn't really like having you play with. But i guess my parents won't really care all that much.


Hi! It's Astrid.

Sorry for not updating for 2 days lol, if you haven't read the conversation tab of our account, me and Caleb are going to not be uploading daily as my school and his college are starting again from Monday.

So for a basic new schedule of posts, I'll upload on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, mostly at 6am probably, I wake up like super early for school lol. At 6am (ist) would be the first chapter of the day and around maybe 11-12pm, the next chapter will be uploaded.

As for Caleb, he will be uploading on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, i don't really know about his time but probably around 11-12 as well since his chapters are of 2k words.

Sundays will be our break days, we might write stories for the rest of the week, but i wouldn't really count on it, so if our timings or days are a bit off, that may be why. Since I'm a senior and Caleb is, well, in college, we won't really have a lot of time to focus on these stories after Monday. We might take gap weeks, but it's unsure. The gap weeks might only happen for one of us, but there's a chance that both of us take it at the same time.

Anyways, i think that should be it. Go check out Caleb's story, "the olive theory" it's really cool! It's also a reader x Pav but reader is a male. It's a really cute story and from what I've heard about the future of it, you're gonna absolutely love it.

Also I'm going to have 50 chapters in total for this book, excluding the A/N's.

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